Saturday, March 27, 2021

Some painful questions

Espacial Report 

How strange that this world entered the modern age because of Europe because the United States is actually an extension of Europe. Why all the fountains of invention, invention, research, and creation came from there? Where and why is the rest of the world sleeping? And why is it still living on imitation?

How did Europe become the most important military, political, economic, and cultural center by the end of the 15th century and become more active from 1500 to 1750 and rule the American continent and seas? However, the great Asian powers, the Ottoman Empire, the Safavids in Iran (Persia), the Mughal rulers in India, and the Ming and Qing dynasties in China were on the rise. In 1775, 80% of the world's economy revolved around Asia. Even the economies of India and China alone accounted for two-thirds of the world's production, compared to Europe's "economic dwarfism" but in 1700 to 1850 only 100 years of total power. The center moved to Europe when it gradually conquered much of Asia by defeating in several wars. By 1900, Europe dominated the world economy and most of the region. By 1950, Western Europe and the United States were jointly producing 50% of world production, while China's share had shrunk to 5%. New world rules and regulations were emerging. Today, in terms of clothing, thinking, food, living, movies, sports, medicine, politics, war, etc., everyone is "white" and in the race to be "more white", even if it is "black, brown, and yellow". Am

It so happened that when Europe, America, and especially the seas were being conquered, the Asian powers had no interest in the maritime world and if we go even further back we see that the ships, the fleets are sailing on distant shores. Half of their crew would die on the voyage. There were no pirates, no hurricanes, no travel difficulties, but it was a "marine disease" called "scurvy" which caused bleeding from the gums and other fibers of the victims. They would get fever and jaundice, uncontrollable movement of hands and feet, teeth would fall out and open wounds would appear. Between the 16th and 18th centuries when the world's population was much less than it is today, this contagious disease. About 2 million sailors died as a result of the "screw". No treatment was effective, but that changed in 1747 when James Lind, a British physician, successfully experimented with feeding citrus fruits to sailors suffering from the disease.

I had no idea which ingredient in citrus fruits is working. In fact, it was the thing we know today as vitamin C. And we use it, so if we say that the "rich sea vitamin C" gave Europe a clear lead over the seas, it probably wouldn't be too much of a mistake. As a result, Cook, a senior naval officer, and geologist, visited many areas in Britain and Conquered the islands, and paved the way for British naval rule over the world's oceans. Australia is the most famous of these areas. Then came the conquest of Tasmania and New Zealand and the settlement of millions of Europeans in these areas and local cultures and even populations. The end. What we often refer to as "conspiracy" is not a conspiracy to establish rule over the seas, but a difficult and protracted war, the failure of which would be abuse in itself, but cruelty.

The time came when the military, industrial and scientific collaboration began around 1850. Before James Cook's adventures, there was not much technical difference between the Chinese, the Ottomans, and the whites, but the Australian adventurer James Cook did not have a captain, Hussein Pasha, or Why not Captain Diane Chi? Military, industrial, scientific cooperation increased in Europe, why not in the subcontinent? When Britain took a long leap forward, France, Germany, and the United States immediately followed suit, not China. When the gap between the industrial and non-industrial worlds widened, Russia, Italy, and the United States were shocked, while Egypt, Iran, India, and then The great Turks dreamed of enjoying rabbits and listening to their own snoring music, but the truth is that this is what they are doing to this day.

In short, behind successes and failures is a long series of burning questions that need to be considered.

MUST-READ:-----> Afghanistan's future is once again.....?

Friday, March 26, 2021

Afghanistan's future is once again.....?

 (Written by Abu Raja Haider)

With just a few weeks to go before the withdrawal of US troops under the Doha Accords, Afghanistan's future is still in jeopardy. However, other countries in the region, including the United States and Pakistan, are working to make the talks between the Afghan leadership and the Taliban a success. Talks were called for a peace deal that would end more than four decades of war in Afghanistan.

US Special Envoy Zalmai Khalilzad called for an all-party interim government At a conference in Turkey next month, the Afghan president will reject the proposal and propose a new presidential election. An Afghan government official said: "We are going to present a counter-proposal at the Istanbul meeting. If the Taliban agrees to a ceasefire, then the presidential election should be held as soon as possible.

The reaction of the United States, the Taliban, and other parties to this will be clear only when the proposal comes to light. The parties are ready for a mutually agreed solution That is why talks between the Afghan leadership in Doha and the Taliban, which took place in Doha under US pressure, are still stalled and violence in Afghanistan is escalating. He said it was difficult to meet the May 1 deadline for withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan. They want to leave Afghanistan in a safe and orderly manner. I do not intend to stay in Afghanistan for long. We will leave Afghanistan. The question is when we will leave. I do not see US troops in Afghanistan next year.

The Afghan president has not yet given any details about his proposal, but two government officials in Kabul have said that Ashraf Ghani will announce his election plan at an all-stakeholder conference in Turkey next month. A senior Afghan government official says early elections in Afghanistan are a fair plan for Afghanistan's future.

The position of the Taliban

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the Taliban immediately rejected Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's proposal to hold elections later this year, saying such measures and elections had pushed Afghanistan to the brink of crisis in the past. Ashraf Ghani is now talking about a process that has always been full of scandals. Any decision on the future of the country must be coordinated through ongoing negotiations between the parties, we will never support it.

The complex history of Afghanistan's elections

Elections in Afghanistan have always been a difficult process. There are many obstacles in the way of elections. In a war-torn country, elections are another opportunity for fraud, low voter turnout, and insurgency.

Now the United States, Russia, and other stakeholders want an interim government to be formed in Afghanistan in one form or another. But incumbent President Ashraf Ghani insists that "leaders be chosen" only through the ballot box.

The Kabul government, meanwhile, wants to keep US forces in the country as long as possible, and its biggest argument or justification for this is that the country has been engulfed in renewed violence for the past few months. The Taliban, after gaining so much on the battlefield in Afghanistan, no longer expects to benefit from any of these strategies. Taliban deputy chief Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar told a conference in Moscow last week that "Afghans should be left to decide their own destiny." The parties must understand that if they do not reach a solution, the Afghan soil will once again be engulfed in a wave of violence and insecurity that will not end in the hands of either side. In short, in the current context, the future of Afghanistan seems to be in question once again.

Must Read: Afghanistan could be plunged into Cold War without a political solution

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Modi's letter, India-Pakistan relations improvement or time spending Tactics. ?

(Writing: Abu Raja Haider)

Since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent a letter to Pakistan on Pakistan Day, hopes have been expressed for good relations between the two countries again. It is not that there has been no desire for peace between the two countries in the past. Yes, the prime ministers of the two countries have made positive statements in the past, expressing hope for good relations. However, in the context of security issues, especially in the context of Indian-administered Kashmir, these statements were limited to rhetoric.

If we look at the mutual and unilateral goals of India and Pakistan, experts welcome the progress that has been made in recent times, but at the same time warn that these issues can be resolved in stages, not immediately.

On the occasion of Pakistan Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote in a message to Imran Khan that "India wants cordial relations with the people of Pakistan. Not only that, recently when Imran Khan had to cry, Modi sent him a message of recovery. Was sent Many other signs of change in the atmosphere have also been seen when the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan and Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Bajwa made statements in recent days to improve relations with India.

An eight-member Pakistani delegation led by Pakistan's Indus Water Commissioner Syed Mehr Ali Shah is holding talks with its Indian counterparts in New Delhi for the annual Indus Water Treaty negotiations. The talks are taking place after two years. Last month, the directors of military operations of the two countries suddenly declared a ceasefire on the Line of Control and since then the ceasefire has been fully implemented. This sudden announcement of the ceasefire took everyone by surprise and echoed in many quarters that Indian and Pakistani officials were holding behind-the-scenes talks to normalize the situation.

It is also pertinent to mention here that the reason for the current relations and statements between India and Pakistan in diplomatic circles is being termed as 'track to diplomacy'. Following the agreement, some Indian and international newspapers published reports of possible secret talks between Indian National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and his Pakistani counterpart Moeed Yousaf. Yousuf had denied the allegations in a tweet, saying the allegations were baseless. The name of former army chief General Jahangir Karamat also came up again and again, but Jahangir Karamat's Sources close to the matter expressed ignorance in this regard.

Rumors are also circulating in both the countries that the UAE, especially the royal family, is behind the improvement in Pakistan-India relations. In this regard, according to a recent report published by the international news agency Bloomberg, India and Pakistan have begun to follow a four-member "peace blueprint" drawn up by the UAE government for peace.

According to a Bloomberg report, the UAE's foreign minister has been a constant guide in the talks between the two countries, with no official statement yet on the veracity of the news. Has not been denied.

Rauf Hassan, Special Assistant to Prime Minister Imran Khan on Information and Broadcasting, said that Pakistan would always listen to the views of like-minded and close countries and would welcome countries that make suggestions on issues with India. Contrary to what the UAE or the United States have said, the important thing at the moment is that there are talks going on between the two countries. If we look at history, Pakistan has already seen the offer and help of other countries in a positive manner but India has always rejected the interference of any other country by saying that it is its bilateral issue with Pakistan.

Saudi Deputy Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir has also acknowledged that Saudi Arabia is trying to reduce tensions between India and Pakistan, as Saudi Arabia wants peace in the entire region.

 After the recent bitterness in the relations between the two countries, there are signs of some sudden positive changes in the atmosphere, two or three things can be done immediately. Send ambassadors back to both countries, simplify visa policy so that people on both sides can easily visit religious places, resume bilateral trade from the Wagah border.

Whenever there is a sudden announcement between India and Pakistan, we can assume that there is some back-channel diplomacy behind it. The United States is also interested in keeping India and Pakistan in touch.

At this stage, it will be difficult to have a big deal or a big agenda, but immediate progress is possible in matters like trade, people coming and going. But first and foremost, the end of human rights violations in India and Jammu and Kashmir. And progress is needed in resolving the Kashmir dispute.

The importance of Kashmir in India-Pakistan relations can be gauged from the fact that the two countries have so far fought two wars on this issue in 1948 and 1965, and since August 2019, Pakistan has held several international forums on the issue. But he has recorded his protest on the issue of changing the special status of Kashmir and has spoken to the heads of other countries. Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa has also recently said that the dream of peace in the subcontinent will remain unfulfilled until the Kashmir issue is resolved.

Pakistan knows that peace talks with India will not be complete without talks on Kashmir. Kashmir has never been removed from the table, so even now if progress is made in the talks, which ended completely after August 2019, it will start with relief in Kashmir, including lifting the ban on movement of people in Kashmir. This includes considering the history of giving Kashmir the right to self-determination, including the restoration of the Internet, and the gradual improvement of the environment.

India does not want a war in the region at the moment. The reason for the slight flexibility in India's attitude is the change in the regional situation and the criticism of India's actions in Kashmir. The third is to distance itself from other players in the region. do not have.

As far as the current situation in the region is concerned, it is very important for India at this time to be a part of the peace plan in Afghanistan and especially the US peace plan. Going back a little, Pakistan has repeatedly accused India of The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has lobbied for blacklisting Pakistan through various sessions to curb terrorist financing.

Pakistan's involvement in the Afghan peace process as a mediator and Biden's election to the US presidency has certainly been a significant opportunity for India to reflect on its position in the region. Biden's arrival means the next two to three years. Until then, the United States will continue to depend on Pakistan, and to acquire enmity in such a situation would be tantamount to isolating itself in the region and globally.

On the other hand, another issue is India's clash with China and China's proximity to Pakistan. India fears that after clashes between China and India in May 2020 and January 2021, and as a result of the growing proximity and unity between Pakistan and China, India will be stranded on the eastern and northern borders.

At the same time, the Modi government's internal problems, which include Code 19, the economy, and the struggles of farmers, are forcing India to take a U-turn. Pakistan's role in the Afghan peace process paves the way between East and West. Will remain as Pakistan is trying to look at its various options in the region as well as the country as a geopolitical economy by moving away from geographical strategy. In short, India is currently pursuing a policy of taking time to breathe and take stock of future matters.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Pakistan needs both China and the United States

(Written By Abu Raja Haider)

In recent times, relations between Pakistan and the United States have been based on US policy toward China and India, the Afghan war, and US concerns over international terrorism. Due to this, the relations between the two countries have not improved. The Biden administration has also given no indication of the future of the relationship.

Judging by the official statements and reports of think tanks, it is clear that Pakistan hopes for a relationship in which the United States maintains a balance between India and Pakistan and does not interfere in Pak-China relations. However, Pakistan's approach does not indicate what steps Pakistan will take to achieve these conflicting goals and bring about the desired change in US policy. All we are being told is that Pakistan is moving beyond global politics to global trade.

In fact, trade alone will not do anything, especially when Pakistan's status as an economic partner is clear. It is important to look at history here. The close relationship between Pakistan and the United States has historically been based on politics (from 1954 to 1965 and then from 1979 to 1990) or because of the threats to the United States and world peace (2001 to 2011). And this is where the relationship became logical.

The relationship between the two countries is still political, but it is now a source of controversy. But co-operation in areas such as Afghanistan's stability and counter-terrorism is still possible.

The United States believes that if the insurgency continues in Afghanistan, it will lead to the growth of terrorism. This terrorism will not only be a threat to the security of Afghanistan, but it will also fuel terrorism in Pakistan and thus destabilize a nuclear country. Is. On the other hand, India is also threatened by jihadists and this could have an impact on US policy towards China. These sectors are also the cause of conflict of opinion, policy, and interests between the two countries.

How the United States will address these issues will depend on US policies in China and Afghanistan, which are currently under review, but at the same time, the United States will see to it that Pakistan's policies are American. To what extent do they correspond to interests?

The United States does not want a new war in Afghanistan, nor does it want to end the February 2020 agreement altogether. The United States may have lost this war, but it still has the ability to save Afghanistan from instability. However, this work will definitely need the help of Pakistan. But at the moment there is no clear Pakistani policy towards Afghanistan.

There is a consistent lack of trust in US policies. Those who have doubts about the United States as an ally should also look at Pakistan's history.

In the past, the United States has helped Pakistan meet its economic and defense challenges. But things began to get complicated in the 1980s and after 9/11, and General Zia and General Musharraf found it difficult to obtain financial and political support from the United States. He preferred his own interests to Pakistan's interests in relations with the United States. Unfortunately, Pakistan has suffered more than its own misguided policies and measures.

Pakistan's policies will need the support of its own people before anyone else, and if Pakistan now wants to move from politics to trade, it will have to reach a conclusion on strategic and defense issues with the United States, otherwise, these issues will repeatedly fall into the path of economic partnership. Will continue to stand.

Pakistan also needs to strengthen its position as an economic partner and for that, Pakistan needs to strengthen its economy, as well as move beyond the security issues surrounding national goals, and adopt policies that Make the location really an asset.

Pakistan's importance as an economic partner will not be clear until Afghanistan is stabilized and Pakistan becomes a hub for pipelines and trade to Central Asia.

Pakistan should not try to change relations with the United States too much. The United States does not want to expand these ties. Pakistan should start with Afghanistan and counter-terrorism issues and try to build trust. He should then escalate the dialogue and co-operate on agreed issues and try to resolve differences. In the long run, the United States cannot leave Pakistan completely dependent on China, and this is where cooperation between the two is possible.

Pakistan should reconsider Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's "two-way" ideology and abandon the idea that it will lose to China in establishing relations with the United States. Pakistan needs to make itself so strong that both the US and China need Pakistan. On the contrary, a weak Pakistan will need both the United States and China, but such a Pakistan can only have relations with one.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Meaningful Pak-India dialogue is essential for peace and stability in the region

 (Written by Abu Raja Haider)

In his address on the second day of the Islamabad Security Dialogue, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, based on an analysis of global and regional conditions, changes, and dynamics, echoed Prime Minister Imran Khan's message to neighboring India. This was reflected in the Prime Minister's address at the inaugural ceremony of the Security Dialogue on Wednesday, which indicated the inevitability of resolving the Kashmir issue peacefully through dialogue and building mutual relations as civilized neighbors. It was clarified in the address that in view of the illegal declarations and actions taken by New Delhi on August 5, 2019, in violation of UN resolutions regarding Occupied Kashmir, it is possible to move forward unless India takes initiative for peace. Can't see

 The analysis presented by Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi after the Army Chief's address to the Islamabad Security Dialogue held in recent days also said that the Pakistani leadership has focused on the economic development of the people under the new Pakistani vision. Made the center of. The Foreign Minister said that Islamabad consciously decided to take part in the efforts for peace and stability instead of being a part of the conflicts in the region and considering the geographical importance of Pakistan as an economic hub. Is being brought before.

This focus on peaceful relations with India by the civilian and military leadership is seen by observers as an attempt to harness the country's economic potential and enhance its prestige internationally. ۔ The ceasefire agreement reached through contacts between Pakistani and Indian border military officials last month and a change in the tone of statements coming from both countries are also being seen in this context. On the second day of the Islamabad Dialogue, the Chief of Army Staff and the Foreign Minister reiterated that the establishment of lasting and lasting peace in the region depends on a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue, for which a conducive atmosphere for meaningful dialogue is created. It is India's responsibility to do so.

 A recent letter from the US senators to his Secretary of Defense expressed concern over India's abandonment of democratic values ​​and hinted at possible sanctions or international efforts, including the Moscow Conference, to establish lasting peace in Afghanistan. It is evident that key countries are feeling the need to improve the tense situation in the region. One of the key points made by Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa on the second day of the Islamabad Dialogue is that we have realized that no good can be expected from others outside until our own home is well. Can do He also said that it was time to bury the past and move towards the future.

 The Army Chief further said that strong Pak-India relations could bring East and West Asia closer. He cited a number of Pakistani initiatives in this regard, including allowing Afghanistan to ship its goods to India. He also pointed out the need for world powers to play a greater role in promoting peace and stability in South Asia. Today's changing world, especially the post-Corona virus world, demands that the human aspects of the matter not be neglected in any part of the globe.

Also Read: India responsibility lead to prosperity 

Friday, March 19, 2021

Afghanistan could be plunged into Cold War without political solution


According to the Associated Press, despite spending billions of dollars and nearly 20 years of military presence, the United States and NATO still see no solution for a sustainable and peaceful future for Afghanistan.


According to a report in the Associated Press, the two powers have not been able to decide how to withdraw their troops from the war-torn country. The rapid withdrawal of US troops by the former US administration over the past few months has made it clear that the plight of Afghans are not going to be solved.

 "Violence has escalated and the culprits are all visible, whether they are Taliban, warlords, ISIS, or corrupt government officials," the AP wrote in its article. Newly elected US President Joe Biden is reviewing Trump's policy of withdrawing all US troops from Afghanistan by May 1 this year. 2,500 US and 10,000 NATO troops are still stationed in Afghanistan. Voices are being raised in Washington against an early withdrawal from Afghanistan.

 All the key players in Afghanistan are involved in the devastation of the war in one way or another.


The Taliban control about half of the country. Despite peace talks, the Afghan Taliban and Afghan military operations continue. The Taliban has been blamed for recent killings of journalists and civil society leaders. He denies the allegations.

 There is also no evidence that they have severed ties with al-Qaeda, as agreed in the Taliban-US talks. According to a US intelligence report released in January, the Taliban still support al-Qaeda and the terrorist organization is growing stronger in the region.

Afghan warlord

Social workers worry that after the withdrawal of international troops, armed Afghan warlords will once again take the path of fighting. Between 1992 and 1996, warlords killed 50,000 people in battles against each other. The leaders also destroyed the capital, Kabul.

Afghan soldiers

Afghan forces also face strong criticism. According to a UN report, about a third of detainees in Afghan detention centers were tortured by Afghan soldiers. Financial corruption is also common in the Afghan forces and the Kabul government does not take any action against them.

ISIS and its allies

ISIL's regional ally targets Shia Muslims in the region in particular. The number and intensity of their attacks have increased. The group's activities call into question the security system in Afghanistan. Afghan forces appear to be failing to fight the group.

 Analysts agree that there does not seem to be an easy solution to the Afghan problem, whether foreign troops remain or leave the country. According to Afghan analyst Tariq Farhadi, "It should be clear to the United States and NATO that they do not want more war. They want a peaceful political solution in Afghanistan and the leaders who want to take the path of war are partners of the international community." Farhadi added that without a political solution, Afghanistan could be plunged into the Cold War.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Men and women have equal rights to use weapons in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has recently allowed women to apply for military service. The decision has been made primarily for domestic political reasons, but it is also an important signal in the context of foreign policy.

Saudi Arabia has set some important conditions for women seeking military service. In other words, only Saudi women who meet certain other criteria can be eligible to join the army. The first condition is that their height should not be less than one meter 55 cm. The second condition is that they have never held any government jobs. They must have Saudi citizenship and a high school diploma. Women who meet these conditions can apply to serve in the national army.

In this Arab kingdom, women did not have the right to drive freely until 2018. Now, possibilities are being opened for them in every sector of the country's naval, naval, and air forces. Saudi women will even be able to apply for senior military positions. The decision to allow women to join the army was actually made in October 2019. A message on the Defense Ministry's Twitter account at the time said, "Another step towards women's empowerment." Earlier, the Saudi leadership called on the police and national security department to step down. Other areas were opened to women.

 However, the imprisonment of women political activists in Saudi Arabia has tarnished the overall picture of society. However, in recent years, the Arab kingdom has seen a significant increase in women's rights. (ECFR) political analyst Sanzia Bianco believes that one of the main reasons for this is the participation of women in the war 2030'. Thus, the proportion of women in the labor force in Saudi Arabia will be increased from an average of 20 to 40 percent.

Another goal of increasing military participation opportunities for women is to maximize the impact of military service on civilians, a Gulf state political affairs expert told DW. On the one hand, this decision will enhance the emotional bond between the citizens and their country by enlisting in the army, and on the other hand, it will help reduce gender inequality in society, especially among the youth. This is the class in which there is unrest and it is capable of criticizing the government. The inclusion of women in the military will also strengthen the overall relationship between state institutions.

At first glance, the Saudi Arabian army does not seem to have much power. According to the Global Firepower Portal, which measures the military strength of individual countries, the Saudi army has half a million employees. The majority of them, about 480,000, are working directly in the military. In this ranking, Saudi Arabia is ranked 17th out of 139 countries in the world and its army is one of the strongest armies in the Arab world. In addition, Saudi Arabia is one of the largest arms importers.

Saudi Arabia has strong potential for behind-the-scenes objections and criticism of paving the way for women to join the military. Especially from conservative families and circles. The initial reaction to the news on social media was mixed. One female user openly expressed her happiness while another user was seen as a victim of go-go who raised the question of whether women in the army will serve behind the scenes.

In fact, details of women's uniforms in the military have not yet been released. Similarly, no information has been provided about the number of applications and barracks for women to stay, but the royal family has started publicizing this development in the media as a sign of modern reforms in the country. Aber al-Ali, a female journalist with the Saudi newspaper Al-Watan and other state media outlets, is seen as trying to portray the initiative as a shining example of "feminism" in Saudi Arabia.

In Saudi Arabia, "feminism" means nothing more than strengthening women's rights and improving their quality of life. I think this is tantamount to giving a clear and strong signal.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The most unfortunate region in the world South Asia

  South Asia is the second-most densely populated region in the world after East Asia (including China and the Far East). This region of 8 independent states consisting of three landlocked (Afghanistan, Nepal, and Bhutan), two water-locked (Sri Lanka and the Maldives), and 3 countries with long ocean boundaries (Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh) has its best human capital and other different types. It has abundant natural resources. In its clear position, it carries the immense tools of human development.

Unfortunate of Region

  Woe to unfortunate South Asia, as much as it has the potential, it is just as unfortunate and self-inflicted misery. Due to its complex status, it is considered to be the most unfortunate region in the world, mired in poverty, the threat of wars, and constant internal political and economic instability. From the Gulf to the rich and developed countries, from Europe to the Middle East, to the working, skilled, professional, and well-known experts and consultants of millions of impoverished populations. , And in the world where the bus runs, far away from the homeland a little prosperous but strangers are living a strange life or the oppression of time and grief employment made them a second class and forced citizen there.

Man-made problem region

Almost the entire region became embroiled in an arms race with the use of a third of its potential in its constant carbon footprint. The two became nuclear powers. Afghanistan has been plagued by constant warfare, and harmless states such as Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan have also been given border and internal security. The time has come for scholars of the entire region, freedom, and sovereignty and peace and prosperity, to use their knowledge to save this densely populated "man-made problem region" of two billion people from its decades-long turmoil.

The need for Wisdom for Prosperity

 Use wisdom above religion and nationality. If you can't become an ideal region like the European Union, then at least be peaceful. Ensure the right to self-determination, independence, sovereignty, and security of millions of people in the region. Regional co-operation is much more than the current economic situation of the entire region, which is in its current potential, but it should not be a mountain-like obstacle for the people of the region for regional security and economic and political stability. Participate in policy making and decision making so that they can work together to create an atmosphere. Of course, this great benefactor belongs to the peace-loving, pro-poor, justice-seeking political intellectuals of the region. In the current dire situation, track-two or back-channel diplomacy has become inadequate and even traditional, to some extent under the influence of their respective governments in their efforts to find solutions.

The Time for Change Governmental Attitudes

 The time has come for the disillusioned masses to change governmental attitudes with the help of potential citizens who can bring about the desired change in public attitudes by reducing or eliminating the emotional complexities created by political forces and biased media. Are It is these changed public attitudes that are the cure for the governmental mentality that adventurous and deadly religious-political fanaticism, such as unconstitutional parliamentary decision-making. It is not easy to implement this proposal.

identify and meet the urgent public needs

 Even if a proposed South Asian genius emerges, it will not be able to easily counter the government's attitudes, but it will be able to identify and meet the urgent public needs. The pressure to do so will surely accelerate.

Map of South Asia

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(to be continued)