Friday, July 14, 2023

Japan needs to distinguish between good and evil, to walk in the right direction, Chinese media


JTN Report

 Japan's relationship with NATO has deepened in recent years. According to Chinese media on Thursday, the Japanese Prime Minister was invited to attend the NATO summit for the first time in June last year. And in November of the same year, Japan officially joined the NATO Center of Excellence for Cooperative Cyber Defense. 

At the recent NATO summit, the four "Asia-Pacific Partners (AP4)" Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand and the implementation of NATO's outreach strategy in the Asia-Pacific region were among the main topics. 

Some analysts have pointed out that, in order to use NATO to enhance its military capabilities, Japan is working hard to extend NATO's military and political scourge to Asia, a legacy of World War II. After starting a fascist war of aggression during Japan's second betrayal and crime against Asia. 

The people of other Asian countries, including China, have a very complex psychology regarding Japan. Historically, Japan has repeatedly waged wars of aggression. through harming its Asian neighbors and committing unforgivable war crimes. 

Although it is the consensus of Asian countries to put aside the burden of history and gain beneficial cooperation. But for Japan in the hearts of the Asian people. The deep wounds left by Japan are impossible to heal. In recent days, the angry eyes of the Chinese and Asian public have once again focused on Japan, which is determined to release nuclear-contaminated water into the sea despite strong opposition from its neighbors. 

In the eyes of strangers, Japanese people like to take care of cleanliness and environment, the streets of Japan are very clean, it is impossible to see even the slightest garbage. Japanese fans clean the surrounding garbage before leaving the stadium after watching international matches. which has become a popular video on social media. 

But it is Japan that uses the world's shared oceans as a waste dump and is preparing to release large amounts of nuclear-contaminated water into it, leaving people stunned and bewildered by Japan's contradictory behavior. go Similarly, for animal welfare activists around the world, it is even more difficult to understand the words and deeds of Japan, the touching life-and-death relationship between humans and animals in the Japanese film "The Loyal Dog Hachiko." The story is told and the prototype statue of Hachiko, the faithful dog in the film, is still installed outside a Tokyo railway station, one of the most popular tourist spots around the world. 

The wanton destruction of resources and the illegal killing of rare marine life such as whales and dolphins has always been a constant pain in the hearts of animal conservationists and organizations worldwide. In Japan's infamous Dolphin Bay, locals still scare dolphins or whales into the narrow bay and hunt them until the waves run red with blood. 

In the year 2009, a documentary film "Dolphin Bay" was released which exposed this bloody evil to the world. Despite strong condemnation and protests from the international community, Japan has always cleverly argued that hunting dolphins is a local tradition and is the main income of local fishermen while whales are used for scientific research, discovering the secrets of life. To justify their cruel and barbaric actions. The basic moral imperative of discerning right and wrong and distinguishing between good and evil has always been a huge problem for Japan. 

The spirit of Bushido, one of Japan's moral and spiritual pillars, emphasizes that doing one's duty regardless of right or wrong is paramount. Be it Japanese history textbooks, literary works, Bushido films, or the American movie star Tom Cruise's "The Last Samurai," all of them clearly express the seemingly correct but actually absurd position, and China Behind many atrocities such as the Nanjing Massacre committed by the Japanese army in a war of aggression against, is the ghost of this diabolical moral perspective. 

There is only one planet, the common home of all, and the people. There is every reason to demand that Japan realize right from wrong, distinguish between good and evil, follow the right path, do good things for global and regional peace and the biological environment, and stop doing such bad things. Those who violate Muslim principles and moral values and harm future generations. Hopefully Japan will understand this simple and obvious appeal, although it seems to have always been a huge problem for them.

#Chaina #Japan #Nato #Dolphin Bay #Asia-Pacific Partners #

Monday, July 10, 2023

Natural Disasters and Pak-Swiss Agreement

   Due to being one of the most affected countries in the world due to global climate change, special security arrangements based on advanced methods are very necessary for Pakistan and yesterday, an important and desirable progress in this direction was made by Pakistan to deal with natural disasters.  And Switzerland has come into effect in the form of mutual agreement. 

  In this context, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif while addressing the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Swiss Foreign Minister and Federal Consul Ragnaziokas in Nithyagli on Saturday said that Pakistan attaches great importance to its relations with Switzerland, which upholds the fundamental principles of democracy and the rule of law.

   He clarified that we have no role in climate change but every possible effort to prevent it is necessary and that is why we need to use Switzerland's expertise and experience in this field. want Highlighting the basic strategy of his government for national development, he said that eradication of poverty, industrialization, promotion of agriculture, making women talented are our important priorities and we will meet Switzerland in the promotion of tourism, education and other sectors. 

  On this occasion, the Prime Minister invited Swiss companies to invest in Pakistan, especially in renewable energy and IT sectors. He expressed the hope that the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding to deal with natural disasters will promote cooperation between the two countries and in the future, through new methods and technology to deal with disasters, Pakistan will be able to cope with the disasters caused by climate change. 

  Can be made as safe as possible. Undoubtedly, as a result of the use of such methods of energy production by developed countries, which are increasing the temperature of the earth, developing countries like Pakistan are facing disasters like excessive rains and droughts. Last year, one-third of Pakistan's area was submerged in water due to this situation, so it is inevitable for Pakistan to take all possible measures to prevent natural disasters. 

  Switzerland is the world leader in the field of tourism and according to the Prime Minister, there was also a useful discussion with the Swiss Foreign Minister on the topic of promoting the tourism sector in Pakistan. The Prime Minister expressed his desire to increase mutual cooperation with Switzerland in all spheres of life, while the Swiss Foreign Minister emphasized the need for global and regional peace and stability in the context of India's belligerent policies. 

  He clarified that he said that we are determined to use our resources for the development of Pakistan instead of wasting them on wars and the leadership of the other side should also think in the same way. He said that for sustainable peace in this region of the world, we have to clearly understand without any confusion that for this we have to solve our problems including the Kashmir issue because without it peace in this region is not possible. 

  The rationality of Pakistan's position regarding regional and global peace does not need any explanation and if the international community plays its role effectively for a fair solution to this conflict, positive results can certainly come very soon. It should also make every possible effort to get the support of other developed countries so that the repetition of the horrific events like last years can be prevented as much as possible.

#Natural Disasters #Pak-Swiss Agreement #Global Climate Change

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

IMF and Pakistan since 1997

JTN Report:

Pakistan and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have a long and complicated relationship. Pakistan has been a member of the IMF since 1950, and the IMF has provided loans to Pakistan 22 times, most recently in 2023.

The IMF's loans to Pakistan have been controversial, with some people arguing that they have helped to stabilize the country's economy, while others argue that they have come at the expense of the poor and vulnerable.

The IMF's conditions for its loans have often been seen as harsh, and have included measures such as raising taxes, reducing government spending, and devaluing the currency. These measures have often had a negative impact on the poor and vulnerable, and have led to protests and demonstrations.

Despite the controversy, the IMF's loans have been essential to Pakistan's economy on several occasions. In 2019, when Pakistan was facing a balance of payments crisis, the IMF's loan of $1 billion helped to stabilize the country's currency and prevent a default on its debt.

The IMF's relationship with Pakistan is likely to continue to be complex and controversial. The IMF's loans can provide much-needed financial assistance, but they can also come at a high cost. The IMF and Pakistan will need to find a way to work together that is beneficial to both sides.

Here are some of the pros and cons of the IMF's relationship with Pakistan:


The IMF's loans have helped to stabilize Pakistan's economy on several occasions.

The IMF's conditions for its loans have often forced the government to make difficult but necessary reforms.

The IMF has provided technical assistance to Pakistan's government on a variety of economic issues.


The IMF's conditions for its loans have often been seen as harsh and have had a negative impact on the poor and vulnerable.

The IMF's loans have come at a high cost, and Pakistan has often had to repay more than it borrowed.

The IMF's relationship with Pakistan has been seen as too close, and some people have accused the IMF of interfering in Pakistan's internal affairs.

Overall, the IMF's relationship with Pakistan is a complex one. The IMF's loans have helped to stabilize Pakistan's economy on several occasions, but they have also come at a high cost. The IMF and Pakistan will need to find a way to work together that is beneficial to both sides.

    Letest Bailout Package:

On June 30, 2023, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Pakistan reached a staff-level agreement on a $3 billion bailout package. The agreement, which still needs to be approved by the IMF's Executive Board, comes after an eight-month delay.

The agreement includes a number of conditions that Pakistan must meet in order to receive the funds. These conditions include:

Increasing taxes

Reducing energy subsidies

Privatizing state-owned enterprises

Reforming the civil service

Improving the business climate

If Pakistan meets these conditions, it will receive the first installment of the bailout package, which is expected to be around $1.1 billion. The remaining funds will be disbursed in tranches over the course of the agreement.

The bailout package is seen as essential for Pakistan to avoid a default on its debt. The country's foreign exchange reserves are at a critical level, and its economy is facing a number of challenges, including high inflation and a widening current account deficit.

The IMF has been a regular lender to Pakistan over the years. This is the 23rd time that Pakistan has sought IMF assistance. The previous bailout package, which was worth $6.5 billion, expired in June 2023.

The bailout package is a significant development for Pakistan. It will provide the country with much-needed financial assistance, and it will also help to restore investor confidence. However, the conditions attached to the bailout package will be difficult for Pakistan to meet. It remains to be seen whether the country will be able to implement the reforms necessary to secure the full amount of the bailout package.

Pakistan has had a history of seeking financial assistance from the IMF to address its balance of payments issues and stabilize its economy. When a country faces economic challenges and requires financial support, it can approach the IMF for a bailout package. These packages typically involve a set of economic reforms and policy adjustments that the country needs to implement in exchange for the financial assistance provided by the IMF.

The specific stages and conditions of a bailout package can vary depending on the circumstances and negotiations between the country and the IMF. Typically, the process involves the following steps:

Request for assistance: 

The country formally requests financial assistance from the IMF, usually due to a balance of payments crisis or an urgent need for external financing.


After the request is made, representatives from the country and the IMF engage in negotiations to determine the terms and conditions of the bailout package. This includes discussing the economic reforms and policy adjustments that the country must implement to address its economic challenges.


If the negotiations are successful, both parties reach an agreement on the terms and conditions of the bailout package. This agreement is then presented to the IMF's Executive Board for approval.


Once the bailout package is approved, the country begins implementing the agreed-upon reforms and policy adjustments. This may involve measures such as fiscal consolidation, monetary policy changes, structural reforms, and improvements in governance and transparency.

Monitoring and disbursement: 

The IMF monitors the country's progress in implementing the reforms and periodically disburses the financial assistance according to agreed-upon milestones or conditions.

What is the International Monity Fund, how does it work and how does it lend?

The IMF is an international organization that provides loans to countries experiencing financial difficulties. It also works to promote economic stability and growth around the world.

The IMF was founded in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference. It currently has 190 member countries. The IMF's lending is based on a country's quota, which is determined by its economic size and importance in the global economy. The IMF can lend a country up to 100% of its quota.

To qualify for an IMF loan, a country must agree to a set of economic reforms. These reforms are designed to help the country get back on its feet financially. The IMF monitors the country's progress on these reforms and can withhold further loans if the country is not complying.

The IMF's lending is not free. Countries must pay interest on their loans, and they may also be required to make changes to their economic policies. However, the IMF's loans can be a lifeline for countries that are facing financial difficulties.

Here are some of the ways the IMF works:


The IMF conducts surveillance of its member countries' economies. This involves monitoring economic conditions and assessing the risks to financial stability. The IMF also provides policy advice to member countries.


The IMF provides loans to member countries that are experiencing financial difficulties. These loans are typically used to stabilize the economy and implement economic reforms.

Capacity development: 

The IMF provides technical assistance and training to member countries to help them strengthen their economic institutions and statistics.


The IMF conducts research on a wide range of economic topics. This research is used to inform the IMF's surveillance, lending, and capacity development activities.

The IMF is an important part of the global financial system. It helps to promote financial stability and economic growth around the world. 

#IMF #Pakistan #Bailout Package #Economy #Financial Crises #JTN #News

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Signs before the appearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s)


  The signs before the appearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s) are mentioned in the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his descendants. These signs are said to be both major and minor, and they are said to occur in a specific order.

  Some of the major signs include: 

• The appearance of the Sufyani and Yamani, two leaders who will rise up in different parts of the world.

 • The loud cry in the sky, which will be heard by everyone. 

 • The murder of Nafs-e-Zakiyyah, a righteous person who will be killed by the Sufyani. 

 • The earth swallowing a group of people in the land of Bayda, which is a desert between Mecca and Medina. 

  Some of the minor signs include: 

• The spread of corruption and injustice in the world. 

 • The decline of knowledge and the rise of ignorance.

 • The increase in wars and bloodshed.

 • The appearance of false prophets and messiahs. 

    It is important to note that these are just some of the signs that are mentioned in the hadiths. There are many other signs that have been mentioned, and it is not possible to say for sure which ones will occur or when they will occur. The appearance of Imam Mahdi is a significant event in Islamic eschatology.

    It is believed that he will bring about a time of peace and justice in the world. However, the exact timing of his appearance is unknown. Some believe that he will appear soon, while others believe that he will not appear until the end of time. Ultimately, only God knows when Imam Mahdi will appear.

   However, the signs that are mentioned in the hadiths can give us an indication of the times that we are living in and the events that may lead to his appearance.

  The signs that were fulfilled before the appearance of Imam Mahdi 

There are many signs that have been mentioned in the hadiths that will occur before the appearance of Imam Mahdi. Some of these signs have already been fulfilled, while others are still to come.

  Fulfilled signs 

 The death of the 11th Imam, Hasan al-Askari. 

 The occultation of the 12th Imam. 

 The emergence of the Sufyani. 

 The emergence of the Yamani. 

 The murder of Nafs-e-Zakiyyah. 

 The earth swallowing a group of people in the land of Bayda. 

  Unfulfilled signs 

The appearance of a great caller who will call people to the truth. The appearance of a cloud that will cast its shadow over the entire earth. 

 The appearance of a comet that will be visible to everyone. 

 The emergence of a great war in which many people will be killed. 

 The arrival of the Mahdi in Mecca. 

     It is important to note that these are just some of the signs that have been mentioned in the hadiths. There may be other signs that have not been mentioned, or that have been fulfilled in a way that we do not yet understand. 

    The appearance of Imam Mahdi is a major event in Islamic eschatology, and it is something that many Muslims look forward to. 

   However, it is important to remember that we do not know when the Mahdi will appear, or what signs will precede his appearance. All we can do is to prepare ourselves for his coming, and to strive to live our lives in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

#Immam Mahdi #Islam #Appearance Signs #World #

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

What will happen to our world after 2023?


World after 2023

It is impossible to say for certain what will happen to our world after 2023. However, there are a number of trends that are likely to continue and could have a significant impact on the future.


·         The rise of China: 


·         China is already the world's second-largest economy and is on track to surpass the United States in the coming decades. This rise of China is likely to have a profound impact on the global balance of power, as well as on the world economy.


·         The increasing interconnectedness of the world: 


·         The world is becoming increasingly  interconnected, thanks to advances in technology and transportation. This interconnectedness has both positive and negative effects. On the one hand, it can lead to greater cooperation and understanding between countries. On the other hand, it can also make the world more vulnerable to shocks and crises.


·         The threat of climate change: 


·         Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing the world today. If we do not take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the effects of climate change will become increasingly severe, leading to more extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and 

·         other problems.


·         The growth of artificial intelligence: 


·         Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly developing and is already having a significant impact on our lives. In the coming years, AI is likely to become even more powerful, leading to new possibilities but also raising new challenges.


The global economy will continue to slow down.

  The International Monetary Fund has already downgraded its growth forecast for 2023, and there are a number of factors that could weigh on economic activity, including the war in Ukraine, rising inflation, and supply chain disruptions.


·         Political polarization will continue to deepen. 


·         The United States and other countries are already seeing a rise in political polarization, and this trend is likely to continue in the years to come. This could make it more difficult to address common challenges, such as climate change and economic inequality.


·         Climate change will become an even more pressing issue. 


·         The effects of climate change are already being felt around the world, and they are likely to become more severe in the years to come. This could lead to more extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, and heat waves.


·         Technology will continue to evolve rapidly. 


·         We are already seeing the rapid development of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, gene editing, and quantum computing. These technologies have the potential to transform our world in many ways, but they also raise a number of ethical and social challenges.


·         The rise of new powers. 


·         The global order is in flux, and we are likely to see the rise of new powers in the years to come. China is already a major player on the world stage, and other countries, such as India and Brazil, are also becoming more influential.


·         These are just a few of the trends that are likely to shape the future of our world. It is impossible to say for sure what the future holds, but it is clear that the world is changing rapidly. We need to be prepared for these changes and to work together to ensure that the future is a positive one.

In addition to the trends mentioned above, there are a number of other factors that could have a significant impact on the future of our world. 

o    The development of new technologies, such as gene editing and quantum computing.


o    The outbreak of new diseases.

o    The occurrence of major natural disasters.

o    The rise of new political movements.


It is impossible to predict with certainty what will happen in the future. However, by understanding the trends that are shaping the world today, we can better prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.These include: 


These are just a few of the predictions that have been made about our world after 2023. It is impossible to say for sure what the future holds, but these are some of the trends that are likely to shape our world in the years to come.

#World #2023 #Predictions #Challenges #Opportunities #Political Polarization #Technology #Trends #jtn

Sunday, June 25, 2023

The top 20 Bollywood films with descriptions


       Dangal (2016):-----  A biographical sports drama film based on the life of Mahavir Singh Phogat, who trained his daughters Geeta and Babita to become world-class wrestlers.

2.          3 Idiots (2009):-----  A Comedy-drama film about three engineering students and their friendship.

3.        Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (2001):-----  A Family drama film about two wealthy Indian families and their relationships.

4.        Sholay (1975):-----  An action-adventure film about two bandits who are hired to rescue a kidnapped woman.

5.        Mughal-e-Azam (1960):-----  A historical romance film about the love story between a Mughal prince and a commoner.

6.       Lagaan (2001):-----  A sports drama film about a group of villagers who challenge a British team to a cricket match.

7.       Swades (2004):-----  A drama film about an Indian-American engineer who returns to India to reconnect with his roots.

8.       Devdas (2002):-----  A tragedy film about a wealthy young man who falls in love with a lower-caste woman.

9.       Mother India (1957):-----  A historical drama film about a woman who sacrifices everything to protect her family. 

1.       Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa (1994):-----  A romantic comedy film about a young man who falls in love with a woman who is not interested in marriage. 

1.        Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995):-----  A romantic comedy film about two star-crossed lovers who meet in Europe. 

1.       Chak De! India (2007):-----  A sports drama film about a former hockey player who becomes the coach of the Indian women's national team. 

       Gangs of Wasseypur (2012):-----  A crime drama film about two gangs that are vying for control of a coal mining town. 

1.       Bajirao Mastani (2015):-----  A historical romance film about a Maratha warrior and his two wives. 

1.       Gully Boy (2019):-----  A musical drama film about a street rapper from Mumbai who dreams of making it big. 

U      Uri ,The Surgical Strike (2019):-----  A military action film about a group of Indian soldiers who carry out a surgical strike on Pakistani terrorists.


1.        Andhadhun (2018):-----  A black comedy thriller film about a blind pianist who witnesses a murder. 

1.       Piku (2015):-----  A comedy-drama film about a father-daughter road trip. 

1.       Queen (2014):-----  A comedy-drama film about a young woman who goes on a solo honeymoon to Europe. 

1.         Thappad (2020):-----  A drama film about a woman who stands up to her husband after he slaps her.