Sunday, July 7, 2024

Pak-Russia relations


Pak-Russia relations

When Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif invited the Russian President to visit Pakistan and said that no geo-political change can affect our relations, he seems to be pointing to the status and importance of the current relations between the two countries. Pakistan Prime Minister, who is on a two-day visit to the Kazakh capital Astana on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit, met Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday. In this lively and pleasant meeting, it was agreed to strengthen relations between the two countries in various fields including trade and energy and to expand multilateral cooperation.


 Shahbaz Sharif said that we want to increase oil supply from Russia, we have to improve business relations with Moscow in the future. President Putin said that there are excellent relations between Pakistan and Russia, we can expand our cooperation in the fields of energy and agriculture, we will also expand cooperation with Pakistan in the field of food security. The two leaders had extensive discussions focusing on trade and economic relations, energy sector, important relations and global issues. The Prime Minister reiterated his commitment to work with Russia to further expand and strengthen the growing multilateral cooperation between the two countries in all areas of mutual benefit, including trade, energy, defense and security. Shahbaz Sharif said that it was nice to meet you, Pakistan and Russia have been friendly countries for a long time, their positive relations will have to be strengthened in the future. I am We can benefit from your experiences and develop mutual trade which is currently around one billion dollars. He expressed his desire to promote trade with Russia under the barter system, which will be beneficial for Pakistan and through which the country's numerous and other problems can be overcome.


Russian President Vladimir Putin said it was a pleasure to meet you again after the Samarkand meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization two years ago. Bilateral relations have further improved thanks to trade ties between the two countries. He indicated to increase cooperation in the fields of energy, agriculture, food security. The meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Council has its own importance, but the contacts that took place on the sidelines between different countries on this occasion are also very useful. Shahbaz Putin's meeting provided an opportunity to increase efforts to stabilize Pakistan-Russia relations and increase trade opportunities. The trilateral talks between the Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahbaz Sharif, the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Ali Youf, among other issues, highlighted the possibilities of establishing a tripartite institutional mechanism in the fields of trade and economic cooperation and investment. Also, from the Pakistan-Tajikistan joint statement issued at the end of Shahbaz Sharif's two-day official visit, where the need and benefits of a peaceful, prosperous and stable Afghanistan for regional development came to the fore, dealing with all kinds of organized crimes, including terrorism. The determination was renewed. It should be expected that as a result of the meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the contacts of various leaders, global and regional peace will be strengthened and the way of prosperity will be paved in the region.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

"New World Order"! The beginning, the end


Written by: Hafeezullah Niazi

Many issues that have existed on the planet in the last several decades are certainly moving towards their logical and decisive conclusion, but two clear warring groups are being assured by both sides that nuclear weapons will be used and the opposing side will be destroyed. will be destroyed. I am not interested in anyone's loss, my interest! The fight of elephants has to move to Pakistan. Pakistan's stability is not determined by the end of the war. How can you forget the kindness of President Zardari, who took back Gwadar from Singapore, to get possession of which the resin of the world dripped for the last one and a half hundred years. The basic strategy and guiding principles of the western world 2 Anglo-Afghan wars, long cold war, 2 Afghan wars common motive If Gwadar remains under its control, both the great powers will remain at a distance. In the event of a possible conflict between China and America, China will remain helpless in the Indian Ocean. Gwadar is an integral part of the Chinese strategy. For China, mutual trade from Europe, Africa and the Middle East, crude oil and natural gas transfer from the coast of Gwadar to Kashgar. 80% expenses on transportation will be reduced. From the Arabian Sea, the distance between Beijing and Kashgar is 12000 km, while Kashgar is 2100 km. Apart from 4000 km from Beijing to Kashgar, China has to adopt and secure this route at all costs. This is the guarantee of the integrity of Pakistan.

When the Soviet Union collapsed in the 80s, America emerged as the sole power. In those days, China was far behind America in political, technological, military and economic terms. It was then that American President Reagan announced in a speech, we will give the world a "New World Order" and we will fight the next wars from space (starwar). Both claims became open and withered. I was in America during those days. Uncle Naseem Anwar Baig, a genius in employment, source of wisdom and extraordinary expertise in international affairs, was invited to Dr. Khurshid Haider's house in New York. He arrived uninvited and asked the question as soon as he left, Naseem Uncle "What is New World Order Called?" Got a comprehensive answer! "The formation of such a system and the search for such a position that the United States can control the economy and the military of the world for the next hundred years. All oil and gas producing countries should also be kept under control. Kashmir is to be made a semi-autonomous state and American military bases are to be established so that Russia cannot flourish again and China can never rise. In 1988, that's what "Project Fardi New American Century" was all about, the only power of the 21st century, the United States, the rest of the world. It should be remembered that General Musharraf had reached Agra with the American agenda. The American agenda was only one, to reach Kashmir and northern areas from Afghanistan, to keep a check on China and Russia. Access to Gwadar was to be made "impossible" by both countries. Allah's scheme proved to be a more terrible dream than Afghanistan and Vietnam. For the next three decades, the United States was the only world power, and many fronts were opened in Raunt. One front could not be resolved, successive failures became fate.

By 2014, China and Russia had taken over, the US had understood, but from east to west, it was stuck in the quagmire. Seizing the opportunity, China seized thousands of square miles and many islands in the South China Sea. Even today, there are tensions in the China Sea. On the other hand, in 2014, Russia reached Syria, where Ravi China was writing, and expelled the United States by dishonoring it. What would the US cover the 4-decade-long case? New issues such as the Ukraine, Israel war and the South China Sea have emerged. Today the world is on the threshold of the third world war. In the event of any tension, India and the United States are to make Chinese trade, especially oil shipments, impossible in the Indian Ocean.

In 2014, as soon as the time came to implement the cpec, instead of promoting the CPEC, Pakistan would have developed, the establishment's self-interested agenda played into the hands of America. General Raheel, General Zaheer's duo or General Bajwa, General Faiz became an obstacle for their interests. After the successful political revolution of 2018, as soon as Imran Khan was installed on the post, General Bajwa Imran Khan shut down cpec at the first opportunity. This is the reason why the interest of many secretaries in the extension of General Bajwa's tenure was to be seen. In stopping the appointment of General Asim Munir, the United States and the Pakistani staff were active, but God forbid, who will taste it. After the appointment of General Asim Munir, it is not a matter of surprise that CPEC will get a boost. Now, since the past few months, Pakistan-China visits and affairs are being brought to the fore with speed. The American stomach-churning is understandable. Resolutions, UN Human Rights Group Report, but also FATF in the coming days will have to be dealt with.

Over the years, China has been winning most of its skirmishes and wars hand-to-hand. On the other hand, Russia is eager to use nuclear weapons. If it is impossible, if there is an American invasion of Pakistan, China will be satisfied with hand-to-hand combat? However, Russia is willing to use lethal weapons at any time. China-Russia power is beyond the reach of the US, the first point of the three-point agenda of the SCO meeting is to suppress terrorism and establish peace and order in the member countries. In this context, Modi's absence from the Operation 'Azam Satwati' and the meeting is welcome. The formation of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS makes sense, new currency, new world organization (UN), new financial system and above all "New World Order", US World Order is ending, Chinese World Order is in flight. .

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Baseless propaganda against Pakistan-China relations

    Federal Minister for Development and Planning Ahsan Iqbal has expressed in the press conference that propaganda is being done by an opposing political party that China has lowered the level of relations with Pakistan. According to Ahsan Iqbal, this behavior is democratic and not constructive, but it is like playing with state interests and the nation will allow it and not the government.

   On the other hand, Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch has warned that India should not mislead the international community regarding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and it has no right to object to the Pakistan-China joint statement on the Kashmir issue. Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory that has been on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council for seven decades. It is unacceptable to raise the finger on Pakistan-China eternal friendship and the same position of both countries on the grand projects like CPEC and the situation in Occupied Kashmir.

   Two years after the establishment of Pakistan, the never-ending journey of Pakistan-China friendship began with the independence of China under the brilliant leadership of Mao Zedong. Behind which was Pakistan's unquestioning recognition of China's independence. In 1962, the border conflict between India and China started and the armies of both sides faced each other. On this occasion, Pakistan fully supported China, due to which the prestige of Pakistan increased in the eyes of China and the relations between the two countries started to become stronger. In 1965, on the occasion of the India-Pakistan war, China supported Pakistan in every way and exercised the right of true friendship. In 1971, at a difficult stage, China once again proved its selfless friendship with Pakistan, due to which both countries became hostile to each other. K and came closer.

   Till date many governments have come in the country. In political differences and confrontations, they repeatedly humiliated each other. Development plans were also rolled back, but in 75 years, every government, politician and people always spoke in one language about the eternal Pakistan-China friendship as high as the Himalayas. In 2013, the two countries launched the historic CPEC joint project for the development of the region, in which Energy, Sendak, Gwadar Port, Karachi to Peshawar Railway double track and covering the length of the country in a network of roads were among its features. The first phase of the project was set to be completed by 2020, the middle by 2025, and the third and final phase by 2030. Of these, 27 projects with an investment of 19 billion dollars have been completed so far. 63 projects with an investment of 35 billion dollars are still pending.

   In the last 6 years, the CPEC project has largely stalled or slowed down, while 2025 is the year for the completion of the second phase in principle. In this context, the recent successful visit of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif along with his team to China is of great importance, in the light of which the two governments are trying to make up for the damage done during the last 6 years as much as possible. Agricultural and industrial revolution, Increased trade links and revolutionary developments in communication are inevitable in the context of a rapidly deteriorating economic situation. In order to continue the never-ending journey of Pakistan-China friendship, political parties should not only keep all kinds of differences at bay, but should promote mutual cooperation knowing it as a national cause.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Pak China Agreements

Pakistan and China have further expanded their economic cooperation in the form of 32 MoUs. The MoUs were signed during Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif's visit to China, which is ongoing in connection with his participation in the Pakistan-China Business Forum. Shahbaz Sharif arrived in Beijing on the second day of his five-day visit to China on Wednesday, where he met Chinese President Xi Jinping and other top leaders and signed a ceremony on trade and investment agreements in various sectors. These agreements to increase trade and investment have far-reaching benefits and consequences due to their universality. It is clear from the titles of MoUs and other indications that cooperation has increased in many sectors including energy, automobiles, IT, pharmaceuticals. will Chinese companies in Pakistan electric bikes, modern agriculture He has also expressed interest for investment in Pakistan, while two lakh Pakistani youth will also be trained in artificial intelligence. The prospects for trade growth in the fields of electronics, home appliances, textiles, leather, jewelry, minerals have been highlighted. In this context, the statement of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is of special importance that he has not traveled for a loan, but for business and development. This statement makes clear the direction of Islamabad's new strategy. Shahbaz Sharif, while addressing the Pakistan-China Business Conference in Shenzhen, China, also said that China's development is worthy of emulation and ideal for all. He repeatedly advised Pakistani companies to adopt the Chinese model and market their products in a better way to the world Present in front. In this regard, he said that the government will fully cooperate with companies adopting the Chinese model. Shahbaz Sharif termed the holding of the business conference as a source of golden opportunities for Pakistan and advised Pakistani businessmen to look for joint investment opportunities with their Chinese counterparts. are up to trillions of dollars while our export volume is only 30 billion dollars. The only way to improve this situation is to adopt the Chinese model. It is clear from the Prime Minister's statement that the government has already initiated structural changes in this regard, while the Belt and Road Initiative is a guarantee of progress. He asserted that foolproof security will be provided to the Chinese residents in Pakistan. The Prime Minister also visited the headquarters of Huawei Company and the Chinese Museum and encouraged the company to set up Safe City projects in various cities of Pakistan, especially cities where CPEC projects are being worked on. It is clear from the Prime Minister's speech that the government is taking steps to digitize government offices on a priority basis. Tax system and e-governance are also being given attention. There are vast opportunities for Chinese companies in these sectors. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif's visit to China is ongoing at a time when Pakistan-China Economic Corridor is entering the second phase. This phase not only paves the way for the continuation of the already decided projects but also lays the foundation for new projects. At this time, as new avenues of investment are opening up in the form of 32 agreements, many initiatives including eradication of corruption, prevention of smuggling have become necessary and are being addressed. It should be expected that the coming months and years will see progress in several directions, including an increase in investment and trade between Pakistan and China.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Indian Elections: Results and Implications

The results of the general elections in India have sealed the failure of Narendra Modi's slogan of 'Ab Ki Baar, 400 Par'. The defeat in Ayodhya itself is a prominent aspect of the election campaign that the Indian Prime Minister and leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party started with the inauguration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya in January. The BJP is seen celebrating a simple majority over the ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) after losing a majority as a party for a decade. It is being said that the BJP this time failed to mobilize even the vorters of its parent organization RSS. The climate of fear created by Modi and those close to him also drove the RSS away from the campaign, this time the Hindutva card was effective and Narendra Modi could not capitalize on the sarcastic remarks about Muslims.

Modi, who has been an unstoppable force for the past decade, managed to retain the seat in his constituency Daransi with a slim majority. The BJP has been battered by inflation, unemployment, controversial military conscription reforms and Modi's aggressive and divisive campaign. When Narendra Modi claimed to win 400 out of 543 seats for his alliance (NDA), there were not many people who mocked him, but at that time the situation is clear that Narendra Modi is in the government alliance to become the Prime Minister for the third time. They will be forced to depend on the smaller parties involved.

Some observers believe the election results show that Indian voters are still free to exercise their will. At this time, that the chances of forming a coalition government in India are significant, on the one hand, the scope for arbitrariness is decreasing for Narendra Modi, on the other hand, the opposition will be strong, which will not only react strongly to the government's actions from time to time, but also It will also bring confidence. While the election results have come out, the demand of Narendra Modi's resignation from some circles has also started gaining momentum. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has already said that Modi has lost his credibility, he did not get a clear majority, so he should resign immediately.

The results of the election show that the popularity of the Congress party is increasing. It seems that he is heading back to his previous location. This is good news for secular India. It will be a comfort to the minorities who are humbled by the slogans of Hindutva, the way of making the lives of the centuries-old Assamese residents as foreigners and harassing the people of different religions including Christians in many provinces. Similarly, with the announcement of annexation of Occupied Kashmir to India, in view of the mountains of cruelty and brutality that were broken on the Kashmiri people, the current election results for the Kashmiris may have an aspect of reassurance to some extent.

Narendra Modi, while forming a coalition government, should review such aspects of internal and external policy that have been causing irritation and agitation. It is not in the interest of both the countries and the whole of South Asia that mutual relations with the neighboring country Pakistan remain at a very low level after 2019. Narendra Modi will take measures to normalize relations with Pakistan, increase trade, reduce tension, increase people-to-people contact, then it will strengthen regional peace and increase the prosperity of the region. Better results can be achieved in this regard by making the SAARC organization more active and effective.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

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Sunday, January 28, 2024

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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Nawaz Sharif will come to Pakistan on October 21

 London: JTN Report: 

The date of return of former Prime Minister and leader of Muslim League (N) Nawaz Sharif has been fixed. A meeting of Muslim League (N) was held in London under the chairmanship of Nawaz Sharif in which Shahbaz Sharif, Sulaiman Shahbaz, Hassan Nawaz, Khawaja Asif and other leaders participated. In the meeting, Nawaz Sharif's return home and the strategy of the elections were discussed, while the PPP's position regarding the elections was also discussed.

Former Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said in a statement that Nawaz Sharif will return home on October 21 and he will be welcomed in a grand manner. Nawaz Sharif will be welcomed in Lahore and rallies will be organized for him in different areas of the country. It should be noted that former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif went to UK for treatment in November 2019. Earlier, the leaders of Muslim League (N) have announced that Nawaz Sharif will face the law regarding his cases after returning home and he will also lead the election campaign. The League leadership has also directed the former members of assembly, ticket holders and leaders to speed up the campaign on the public level regarding the return of Nawaz Sharif and its importance, in which the people will be informed about the plans of the Nawaz era.

Muslim League (N) President and former Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has said that conducting elections is the constitutional duty of the Election Commission, I will welcome my leader in Lahore. Talking to the media in London, former Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said that Nawaz Sharif ended load shedding in the country, if it was not for the 2018 Jharlo election, today Pakistan would have been far ahead in the field of development. Shahbaz Sharif said that Nawaz Sharif will reach Lahore on October 21, the whole of Pakistan is waiting for the return of Nawaz Sharif, after the return of Nawaz Sharif, the journey of development will begin again.

The former prime minister said that Nawaz Sharif was not deprived of power, the people were deprived of development and prosperity, the continuity of development was broken by the Jharlo election of 2018, Nawaz Sharif was deprived of power under a conspiracy. He said that Nawaz Sharif made the country a nuclear power, Nawaz Sharif was offered 5 billion dollars for not detonating nuclear weapons, Nawaz Sharif did nuclear detonation and said that the interest of Pakistan comes first.

Shahbaz Sharif said that it is the responsibility of the Election Commission to conduct elections under the new census, the Election Commission should fulfill its constitutional responsibility, he said that Nawaz Sharif will be given a grand welcome on his return home. On this occasion, PML-N leader Muhammad Nawaz Sharif said that it was very sad to hear the death of Rana Maqbool Ahmed, Rana Maqbool Ahmed was our long-time colleague.

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Friday, September 8, 2023

15th May power show of ruling coalition parties was direct attack on the independence of the judiciary, Supreme Court

 The May 15 federal government-backed power show was a direct attack on the independence of the judiciary: the Supreme Court

 On May 15, coalition parties of the government staged an aggressive demonstration outside the Supreme Court in which serious threats were issued to the Chief Justice. The purpose of the threats was to put pressure on the judiciary: Court

Islamabad: JTN Report:

 The Supreme Court has issued a detailed decision rejecting the PDM government's objections against the judges in the Audio Leaks Inquiry Commission case.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Atta Bandyal wrote a 32-page judgment in which it has been said that the objections raised against the three judges have no significance in the eyes of the law, the objection petition was filed to harass the bench member instead of in good faith. noted that the federal government delayed by using various tactics, the federal government delayed the court decisions by various tricks and tactics and the federal government showed contempt of court.

In the judgment, it has been said that the series of contempt of court started from March 1, 2023, the request of the speaker was rejected by a majority of four to three, the federal government instead of challenging the decision of April 4, appealed the review of the Election Commission. Behind the scenes, the federal government's motive was to justify its inaction, after which Parliament passed the Supreme Court Review of Judgments and Orders Act, which the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional.

The decision further states that the purpose of filing the objection petition was to separate the Chief Justice of Pakistan from the bench, the federal ministers made rhetoric against the judges hearing various cases, the ministers gave provocative statements in the case against the elections in the provincial assemblies, the Supreme The court tolerated this attitude of the federal government with great restraint and patience.

The court judgment said that on May 15, a demonstration was held in the Punjab Assembly to obstruct the court verdict on the elections on May 14. To pressure them not to make any decision or to give a decision in favor, the powershow with the help of the federal government was a direct attack on the independence of the judiciary.

In the decision, it has been said that the federal government tolerated the non-cooperation in the implementation of the court decisions, no disciplinary action was taken against the federal government for disobeying the court decisions, the federal government and the allied parties threatened the court decisions and actions when the audio leaks came. An example of the attack on judges came out on May 15. On May 15, the court was hearing a review appeal against the decision of the Election Commission on April 4. On April 4, the Supreme Court ordered elections to be held in Punjab on May 14. On May 15, the government The allied parties of Pakistan staged an aggressive demonstration outside the Supreme Court. In the aggressive demonstration, serious threats were made to the Chief Justice of Pakistan. The purpose of the threats was to put pressure on the judiciary.

#Supreme Court of Pakistan #PDM government # federal government-backed power show #Chief Justice of Pakistan Umar Atta Bandyal #Audio Leaks Inquiry Commission case #jtn #jtnpk #journal tele network #news views

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Court injunction makes sugar expensive, Punjab govt report

Lahore: JTN Report:

All the cases of sugar mills are tried in a special court, the injunction needs to be lifted, otherwise the country and the province will suffer further crisis.

All the cases of sugar mills are tried in a special court, there is a need to end the injunction, otherwise the country and the province will suffer further crisis: Report of the caretaker government of Punjab - Photo: File

The caretaker government of Punjab has released a report on the increase in sugar prices.

According to the report, the reason for the increase in sugar prices is the Lahore High Court's order, the order on sugar prices paved the way for the increase in prices, all cases of sugar mills are handled in a special court.

The report said that the sugar prices are being inflated excessively, profit is being made by sugar mills, brokers and speculators. The authority to fix the price through the Punjab Foodstuffs Order was given to the Cane Commissioner, Punjab.

According to the text of the report, the cane commissioner started the process of fixing the ex-mill price. During the crushing season, a total of 7.7 million metric tons of sugar was produced in the country, 5 million metric tons of sugar was stored in Punjab. were sufficient to meet the requirements.

The report states that on May 4, 2023, co-judge Shahid Karim fixed the next date as September 20 on the objection that the subject of price determination is provincial. A hundred rupees per kg are being charged.

The report of the caretaker Punjab government further states that the provincial authorities are unable to stop the smuggling of sugar into Afghanistan.

The strategic reserves have been depleted, these reserves were to meet the shortage of sugar in the coming year, the cultivation of sugarcane has decreased by 17%, next year Pakistan may have to spend considerable foreign exchange on importing sugar. .

According to the text of the report, the nexus of sugar mills and brokers is responsible for the increase in prices. Due to the increase in global prices, sugar mills started smuggling sugar to Afghanistan. Sugar prices are increased by brokers through various WhatsApp groups. The situation is becoming serious day by day, there is a possibility that the price of sugar will increase further, there is a need to end the prohibition order, otherwise the country and the province will suffer from further crisis.

The report said that speculators have almost destroyed the sugar market, speculators need to be arrested under MPO, sugar mills, dealers, brokers, speculators have sold expensive sugar. 55 to 56 billion rupees stolen, there are five or six brokers and dealers in Harmal selling small sugar.

It should be noted that the increase in the price of sugar in the country continues even after the double century and one kg of sugar is available at Rs 225 in Quetta, Rs 200 in Peshawar and Rs 185 to 200 in Karachi.

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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Suicide attack on military convoy in Bannu, 9 soldiers martyred

Bannu: JTN Report: 

9 soldiers were martyred and 5 security personnel were injured as a result of a suicide attack on an army convoy in Jani Khel area of Bannu district.

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the motorcycle-borne suicide bomber rammed himself into an army convoy.

Naib Subedar Sanobar Ali is also included in the martyrs, the security forces surrounded the area and started a search operation.

According to the Public Relations Department of the Pakistan Army, the security forces are determined to root out terrorism, the sacrifices of our brave soldiers make our determination stronger.

Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar expressed regret

Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar has expressed his heartfelt regret over the martyrdom of the youths, in his message on the social networking website X, the Caretaker Prime Minister said that he will not hesitate to make any sacrifice to end the scourge of terrorism.

Anwarul Haq Kakar expressed sympathy with the families of the martyrs and the injured in the tragic tragedy and said that they will take every step to end terrorism.

Condemnation of the Caretaker Home Minister

Caretaker Interior Minister Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti strongly condemned the suicide blast in Janikhel Bannu, he expressed deep sorrow and regret over the martyrdom of 9 soldiers of the Pakistan Army in the blast. Praying for higher grades.

The caretaker interior minister expressed his condolences to the families of the martyrs and said that the armed forces are determined to end terrorism, the brave men are laying down their lives to protect the country and the nation, the entire nation pays homage to them. The cowardly attacks of the kidneys cannot demoralize us, inshallah terrorism will be eradicated soon.

Chairman Senate Sadiq Sanjrani

Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani strongly condemned the cowardly act and expressed deep sorrow and regret over the testimonies. We are united, defeat is the fate of terrorists, the nation owes to the great men who sacrificed their lives on the holy land.

Caretaker Chief Minister of Punjab

Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi strongly condemned the suicide attack on the vehicle of the security forces in Bannu.

Mohsin Naqvi said that we pray for the speedy recovery of the injured personnel, all our sympathies are with the families of the martyrs, the martyrs are our capital and pride, the whole nation salutes the great sacrifices of the martyrs, a handful of terrorists are great. We cannot weaken the firm determination of the nation.

Caretaker Chief Minister of Balochistan expressed condemnation

Caretaker Chief Minister Balochistan Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki condemned the cowardly terrorist attack on the security forces in Bannu.

He said that the brave security personnel sacrificed their lives for the protection of the motherland, cowardly terrorists cannot weaken the determination and independence of our security forces.

The Caretaker Chief Minister of Balochistan said that the sacrifices of the forces are a torch for the nation.

Caretaker Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The Caretaker Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Muhammad Azam expressed his condolences on the martyrdom of the security personnel in the attack and expressed his heartfelt sympathy to the families of the martyrs.

Chief Minister Muhammad Azam expressed his best wishes for the speedy recovery of the personnel injured in the attack and said that such incidents will not demoralize the security forces, the entire nation is with the security forces in the war against terrorism.

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