Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2023

Japan needs to distinguish between good and evil, to walk in the right direction, Chinese media


JTN Report

 Japan's relationship with NATO has deepened in recent years. According to Chinese media on Thursday, the Japanese Prime Minister was invited to attend the NATO summit for the first time in June last year. And in November of the same year, Japan officially joined the NATO Center of Excellence for Cooperative Cyber Defense. 

At the recent NATO summit, the four "Asia-Pacific Partners (AP4)" Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand and the implementation of NATO's outreach strategy in the Asia-Pacific region were among the main topics. 

Some analysts have pointed out that, in order to use NATO to enhance its military capabilities, Japan is working hard to extend NATO's military and political scourge to Asia, a legacy of World War II. After starting a fascist war of aggression during Japan's second betrayal and crime against Asia. 

The people of other Asian countries, including China, have a very complex psychology regarding Japan. Historically, Japan has repeatedly waged wars of aggression. through harming its Asian neighbors and committing unforgivable war crimes. 

Although it is the consensus of Asian countries to put aside the burden of history and gain beneficial cooperation. But for Japan in the hearts of the Asian people. The deep wounds left by Japan are impossible to heal. In recent days, the angry eyes of the Chinese and Asian public have once again focused on Japan, which is determined to release nuclear-contaminated water into the sea despite strong opposition from its neighbors. 

In the eyes of strangers, Japanese people like to take care of cleanliness and environment, the streets of Japan are very clean, it is impossible to see even the slightest garbage. Japanese fans clean the surrounding garbage before leaving the stadium after watching international matches. which has become a popular video on social media. 

But it is Japan that uses the world's shared oceans as a waste dump and is preparing to release large amounts of nuclear-contaminated water into it, leaving people stunned and bewildered by Japan's contradictory behavior. go Similarly, for animal welfare activists around the world, it is even more difficult to understand the words and deeds of Japan, the touching life-and-death relationship between humans and animals in the Japanese film "The Loyal Dog Hachiko." The story is told and the prototype statue of Hachiko, the faithful dog in the film, is still installed outside a Tokyo railway station, one of the most popular tourist spots around the world. 

The wanton destruction of resources and the illegal killing of rare marine life such as whales and dolphins has always been a constant pain in the hearts of animal conservationists and organizations worldwide. In Japan's infamous Dolphin Bay, locals still scare dolphins or whales into the narrow bay and hunt them until the waves run red with blood. 

In the year 2009, a documentary film "Dolphin Bay" was released which exposed this bloody evil to the world. Despite strong condemnation and protests from the international community, Japan has always cleverly argued that hunting dolphins is a local tradition and is the main income of local fishermen while whales are used for scientific research, discovering the secrets of life. To justify their cruel and barbaric actions. The basic moral imperative of discerning right and wrong and distinguishing between good and evil has always been a huge problem for Japan. 

The spirit of Bushido, one of Japan's moral and spiritual pillars, emphasizes that doing one's duty regardless of right or wrong is paramount. Be it Japanese history textbooks, literary works, Bushido films, or the American movie star Tom Cruise's "The Last Samurai," all of them clearly express the seemingly correct but actually absurd position, and China Behind many atrocities such as the Nanjing Massacre committed by the Japanese army in a war of aggression against, is the ghost of this diabolical moral perspective. 

There is only one planet, the common home of all, and the people. There is every reason to demand that Japan realize right from wrong, distinguish between good and evil, follow the right path, do good things for global and regional peace and the biological environment, and stop doing such bad things. Those who violate Muslim principles and moral values and harm future generations. Hopefully Japan will understand this simple and obvious appeal, although it seems to have always been a huge problem for them.

#Chaina #Japan #Nato #Dolphin Bay #Asia-Pacific Partners #

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Some painful questions

Espacial Report 

How strange that this world entered the modern age because of Europe because the United States is actually an extension of Europe. Why all the fountains of invention, invention, research, and creation came from there? Where and why is the rest of the world sleeping? And why is it still living on imitation?

How did Europe become the most important military, political, economic, and cultural center by the end of the 15th century and become more active from 1500 to 1750 and rule the American continent and seas? However, the great Asian powers, the Ottoman Empire, the Safavids in Iran (Persia), the Mughal rulers in India, and the Ming and Qing dynasties in China were on the rise. In 1775, 80% of the world's economy revolved around Asia. Even the economies of India and China alone accounted for two-thirds of the world's production, compared to Europe's "economic dwarfism" but in 1700 to 1850 only 100 years of total power. The center moved to Europe when it gradually conquered much of Asia by defeating in several wars. By 1900, Europe dominated the world economy and most of the region. By 1950, Western Europe and the United States were jointly producing 50% of world production, while China's share had shrunk to 5%. New world rules and regulations were emerging. Today, in terms of clothing, thinking, food, living, movies, sports, medicine, politics, war, etc., everyone is "white" and in the race to be "more white", even if it is "black, brown, and yellow". Am

It so happened that when Europe, America, and especially the seas were being conquered, the Asian powers had no interest in the maritime world and if we go even further back we see that the ships, the fleets are sailing on distant shores. Half of their crew would die on the voyage. There were no pirates, no hurricanes, no travel difficulties, but it was a "marine disease" called "scurvy" which caused bleeding from the gums and other fibers of the victims. They would get fever and jaundice, uncontrollable movement of hands and feet, teeth would fall out and open wounds would appear. Between the 16th and 18th centuries when the world's population was much less than it is today, this contagious disease. About 2 million sailors died as a result of the "screw". No treatment was effective, but that changed in 1747 when James Lind, a British physician, successfully experimented with feeding citrus fruits to sailors suffering from the disease.

I had no idea which ingredient in citrus fruits is working. In fact, it was the thing we know today as vitamin C. And we use it, so if we say that the "rich sea vitamin C" gave Europe a clear lead over the seas, it probably wouldn't be too much of a mistake. As a result, Cook, a senior naval officer, and geologist, visited many areas in Britain and Conquered the islands, and paved the way for British naval rule over the world's oceans. Australia is the most famous of these areas. Then came the conquest of Tasmania and New Zealand and the settlement of millions of Europeans in these areas and local cultures and even populations. The end. What we often refer to as "conspiracy" is not a conspiracy to establish rule over the seas, but a difficult and protracted war, the failure of which would be abuse in itself, but cruelty.

The time came when the military, industrial and scientific collaboration began around 1850. Before James Cook's adventures, there was not much technical difference between the Chinese, the Ottomans, and the whites, but the Australian adventurer James Cook did not have a captain, Hussein Pasha, or Why not Captain Diane Chi? Military, industrial, scientific cooperation increased in Europe, why not in the subcontinent? When Britain took a long leap forward, France, Germany, and the United States immediately followed suit, not China. When the gap between the industrial and non-industrial worlds widened, Russia, Italy, and the United States were shocked, while Egypt, Iran, India, and then The great Turks dreamed of enjoying rabbits and listening to their own snoring music, but the truth is that this is what they are doing to this day.

In short, behind successes and failures is a long series of burning questions that need to be considered.

MUST-READ:-----> Afghanistan's future is once again.....?

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Pakistan needs both China and the United States

(Written By Abu Raja Haider)

In recent times, relations between Pakistan and the United States have been based on US policy toward China and India, the Afghan war, and US concerns over international terrorism. Due to this, the relations between the two countries have not improved. The Biden administration has also given no indication of the future of the relationship.

Judging by the official statements and reports of think tanks, it is clear that Pakistan hopes for a relationship in which the United States maintains a balance between India and Pakistan and does not interfere in Pak-China relations. However, Pakistan's approach does not indicate what steps Pakistan will take to achieve these conflicting goals and bring about the desired change in US policy. All we are being told is that Pakistan is moving beyond global politics to global trade.

In fact, trade alone will not do anything, especially when Pakistan's status as an economic partner is clear. It is important to look at history here. The close relationship between Pakistan and the United States has historically been based on politics (from 1954 to 1965 and then from 1979 to 1990) or because of the threats to the United States and world peace (2001 to 2011). And this is where the relationship became logical.

The relationship between the two countries is still political, but it is now a source of controversy. But co-operation in areas such as Afghanistan's stability and counter-terrorism is still possible.

The United States believes that if the insurgency continues in Afghanistan, it will lead to the growth of terrorism. This terrorism will not only be a threat to the security of Afghanistan, but it will also fuel terrorism in Pakistan and thus destabilize a nuclear country. Is. On the other hand, India is also threatened by jihadists and this could have an impact on US policy towards China. These sectors are also the cause of conflict of opinion, policy, and interests between the two countries.

How the United States will address these issues will depend on US policies in China and Afghanistan, which are currently under review, but at the same time, the United States will see to it that Pakistan's policies are American. To what extent do they correspond to interests?

The United States does not want a new war in Afghanistan, nor does it want to end the February 2020 agreement altogether. The United States may have lost this war, but it still has the ability to save Afghanistan from instability. However, this work will definitely need the help of Pakistan. But at the moment there is no clear Pakistani policy towards Afghanistan.

There is a consistent lack of trust in US policies. Those who have doubts about the United States as an ally should also look at Pakistan's history.

In the past, the United States has helped Pakistan meet its economic and defense challenges. But things began to get complicated in the 1980s and after 9/11, and General Zia and General Musharraf found it difficult to obtain financial and political support from the United States. He preferred his own interests to Pakistan's interests in relations with the United States. Unfortunately, Pakistan has suffered more than its own misguided policies and measures.

Pakistan's policies will need the support of its own people before anyone else, and if Pakistan now wants to move from politics to trade, it will have to reach a conclusion on strategic and defense issues with the United States, otherwise, these issues will repeatedly fall into the path of economic partnership. Will continue to stand.

Pakistan also needs to strengthen its position as an economic partner and for that, Pakistan needs to strengthen its economy, as well as move beyond the security issues surrounding national goals, and adopt policies that Make the location really an asset.

Pakistan's importance as an economic partner will not be clear until Afghanistan is stabilized and Pakistan becomes a hub for pipelines and trade to Central Asia.

Pakistan should not try to change relations with the United States too much. The United States does not want to expand these ties. Pakistan should start with Afghanistan and counter-terrorism issues and try to build trust. He should then escalate the dialogue and co-operate on agreed issues and try to resolve differences. In the long run, the United States cannot leave Pakistan completely dependent on China, and this is where cooperation between the two is possible.

Pakistan should reconsider Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's "two-way" ideology and abandon the idea that it will lose to China in establishing relations with the United States. Pakistan needs to make itself so strong that both the US and China need Pakistan. On the contrary, a weak Pakistan will need both the United States and China, but such a Pakistan can only have relations with one.