Friday, March 19, 2021

Afghanistan could be plunged into Cold War without political solution


According to the Associated Press, despite spending billions of dollars and nearly 20 years of military presence, the United States and NATO still see no solution for a sustainable and peaceful future for Afghanistan.


According to a report in the Associated Press, the two powers have not been able to decide how to withdraw their troops from the war-torn country. The rapid withdrawal of US troops by the former US administration over the past few months has made it clear that the plight of Afghans are not going to be solved.

 "Violence has escalated and the culprits are all visible, whether they are Taliban, warlords, ISIS, or corrupt government officials," the AP wrote in its article. Newly elected US President Joe Biden is reviewing Trump's policy of withdrawing all US troops from Afghanistan by May 1 this year. 2,500 US and 10,000 NATO troops are still stationed in Afghanistan. Voices are being raised in Washington against an early withdrawal from Afghanistan.

 All the key players in Afghanistan are involved in the devastation of the war in one way or another.


The Taliban control about half of the country. Despite peace talks, the Afghan Taliban and Afghan military operations continue. The Taliban has been blamed for recent killings of journalists and civil society leaders. He denies the allegations.

 There is also no evidence that they have severed ties with al-Qaeda, as agreed in the Taliban-US talks. According to a US intelligence report released in January, the Taliban still support al-Qaeda and the terrorist organization is growing stronger in the region.

Afghan warlord

Social workers worry that after the withdrawal of international troops, armed Afghan warlords will once again take the path of fighting. Between 1992 and 1996, warlords killed 50,000 people in battles against each other. The leaders also destroyed the capital, Kabul.

Afghan soldiers

Afghan forces also face strong criticism. According to a UN report, about a third of detainees in Afghan detention centers were tortured by Afghan soldiers. Financial corruption is also common in the Afghan forces and the Kabul government does not take any action against them.

ISIS and its allies

ISIL's regional ally targets Shia Muslims in the region in particular. The number and intensity of their attacks have increased. The group's activities call into question the security system in Afghanistan. Afghan forces appear to be failing to fight the group.

 Analysts agree that there does not seem to be an easy solution to the Afghan problem, whether foreign troops remain or leave the country. According to Afghan analyst Tariq Farhadi, "It should be clear to the United States and NATO that they do not want more war. They want a peaceful political solution in Afghanistan and the leaders who want to take the path of war are partners of the international community." Farhadi added that without a political solution, Afghanistan could be plunged into the Cold War.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Men and women have equal rights to use weapons in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia has recently allowed women to apply for military service. The decision has been made primarily for domestic political reasons, but it is also an important signal in the context of foreign policy.

Saudi Arabia has set some important conditions for women seeking military service. In other words, only Saudi women who meet certain other criteria can be eligible to join the army. The first condition is that their height should not be less than one meter 55 cm. The second condition is that they have never held any government jobs. They must have Saudi citizenship and a high school diploma. Women who meet these conditions can apply to serve in the national army.

In this Arab kingdom, women did not have the right to drive freely until 2018. Now, possibilities are being opened for them in every sector of the country's naval, naval, and air forces. Saudi women will even be able to apply for senior military positions. The decision to allow women to join the army was actually made in October 2019. A message on the Defense Ministry's Twitter account at the time said, "Another step towards women's empowerment." Earlier, the Saudi leadership called on the police and national security department to step down. Other areas were opened to women.

 However, the imprisonment of women political activists in Saudi Arabia has tarnished the overall picture of society. However, in recent years, the Arab kingdom has seen a significant increase in women's rights. (ECFR) political analyst Sanzia Bianco believes that one of the main reasons for this is the participation of women in the war 2030'. Thus, the proportion of women in the labor force in Saudi Arabia will be increased from an average of 20 to 40 percent.

Another goal of increasing military participation opportunities for women is to maximize the impact of military service on civilians, a Gulf state political affairs expert told DW. On the one hand, this decision will enhance the emotional bond between the citizens and their country by enlisting in the army, and on the other hand, it will help reduce gender inequality in society, especially among the youth. This is the class in which there is unrest and it is capable of criticizing the government. The inclusion of women in the military will also strengthen the overall relationship between state institutions.

At first glance, the Saudi Arabian army does not seem to have much power. According to the Global Firepower Portal, which measures the military strength of individual countries, the Saudi army has half a million employees. The majority of them, about 480,000, are working directly in the military. In this ranking, Saudi Arabia is ranked 17th out of 139 countries in the world and its army is one of the strongest armies in the Arab world. In addition, Saudi Arabia is one of the largest arms importers.

Saudi Arabia has strong potential for behind-the-scenes objections and criticism of paving the way for women to join the military. Especially from conservative families and circles. The initial reaction to the news on social media was mixed. One female user openly expressed her happiness while another user was seen as a victim of go-go who raised the question of whether women in the army will serve behind the scenes.

In fact, details of women's uniforms in the military have not yet been released. Similarly, no information has been provided about the number of applications and barracks for women to stay, but the royal family has started publicizing this development in the media as a sign of modern reforms in the country. Aber al-Ali, a female journalist with the Saudi newspaper Al-Watan and other state media outlets, is seen as trying to portray the initiative as a shining example of "feminism" in Saudi Arabia.

In Saudi Arabia, "feminism" means nothing more than strengthening women's rights and improving their quality of life. I think this is tantamount to giving a clear and strong signal.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The most unfortunate region in the world South Asia

  South Asia is the second-most densely populated region in the world after East Asia (including China and the Far East). This region of 8 independent states consisting of three landlocked (Afghanistan, Nepal, and Bhutan), two water-locked (Sri Lanka and the Maldives), and 3 countries with long ocean boundaries (Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh) has its best human capital and other different types. It has abundant natural resources. In its clear position, it carries the immense tools of human development.

Unfortunate of Region

  Woe to unfortunate South Asia, as much as it has the potential, it is just as unfortunate and self-inflicted misery. Due to its complex status, it is considered to be the most unfortunate region in the world, mired in poverty, the threat of wars, and constant internal political and economic instability. From the Gulf to the rich and developed countries, from Europe to the Middle East, to the working, skilled, professional, and well-known experts and consultants of millions of impoverished populations. , And in the world where the bus runs, far away from the homeland a little prosperous but strangers are living a strange life or the oppression of time and grief employment made them a second class and forced citizen there.

Man-made problem region

Almost the entire region became embroiled in an arms race with the use of a third of its potential in its constant carbon footprint. The two became nuclear powers. Afghanistan has been plagued by constant warfare, and harmless states such as Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan have also been given border and internal security. The time has come for scholars of the entire region, freedom, and sovereignty and peace and prosperity, to use their knowledge to save this densely populated "man-made problem region" of two billion people from its decades-long turmoil.

The need for Wisdom for Prosperity

 Use wisdom above religion and nationality. If you can't become an ideal region like the European Union, then at least be peaceful. Ensure the right to self-determination, independence, sovereignty, and security of millions of people in the region. Regional co-operation is much more than the current economic situation of the entire region, which is in its current potential, but it should not be a mountain-like obstacle for the people of the region for regional security and economic and political stability. Participate in policy making and decision making so that they can work together to create an atmosphere. Of course, this great benefactor belongs to the peace-loving, pro-poor, justice-seeking political intellectuals of the region. In the current dire situation, track-two or back-channel diplomacy has become inadequate and even traditional, to some extent under the influence of their respective governments in their efforts to find solutions.

The Time for Change Governmental Attitudes

 The time has come for the disillusioned masses to change governmental attitudes with the help of potential citizens who can bring about the desired change in public attitudes by reducing or eliminating the emotional complexities created by political forces and biased media. Are It is these changed public attitudes that are the cure for the governmental mentality that adventurous and deadly religious-political fanaticism, such as unconstitutional parliamentary decision-making. It is not easy to implement this proposal.

identify and meet the urgent public needs

 Even if a proposed South Asian genius emerges, it will not be able to easily counter the government's attitudes, but it will be able to identify and meet the urgent public needs. The pressure to do so will surely accelerate.

Map of South Asia

Also, Read ==> It’s India responsibility to lead the way to prosperity

(to be continued)