Saturday, January 28, 2023

We completely reject the Criminal Law Amendment Act 2021, Allama Shahenshah Naqvi.

Karachi (JTN Staff Reporter) 

  " National Unity Convention for Rejecting Riot " was organized by the Central Organization of Azadari Pakistan, which was presided over by the patron of the Central Organization of Azadari Pakistan and well-known orator Allama Syed Shahneshah Hussain Naqvi, while the convention was attended by Majlis-e-Wahdat-ul-Muslimin Pakistan. 

Chairman Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jafari and President of Central Organization of Azadari Pakistan SM Naqi and distinguished guests addressed, later speaking at the press conference Allama Syed Shahshah Naqvi said that we completely reject the Criminal Law Amendment Act 2021, we have Islamic ideology. Council, National Solidarity Council and (defunct) Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal exist, ignoring these institutions and passing this controversial bill is tantamount to fueling the fire of communalism in the country. 

He said insults and other titles. Legislation and imposition of partisan thinking on the people of Pakistan without defining the limits and limitations of the Constitution will lead to chaos and division. And seriousness was not shown, 

we Allama Shahshah Naqvi added, "Our leadership has been working for a long time for unanimous legislation, religio-political harmony and It has been playing its key role in terms of unity and has always attracted the rulers to save the nation from such legislation which promotes division and hatred in Pakistan, 

paves the way for fatwas and takfir elements. He said that we appeal to the Chairman and members of the Upper House and the President of the State Arif Alvi not to allow this bill to be passed, otherwise we reserve the right to all kinds of objections. 

Friday, January 13, 2023

The Current World Situation

 The current world situation can be a great way to share your thoughts and opinions with the rest of the world. 

Start by researching the latest news and developments on a global scale, then narrow down your focus to the topics and issues that are most important to you. 

As you research, consider how your own experiences and perspectives can provide unique insights into the current situation. 

Once you have an outline of your blog post, it's time to start writing. 

Consider using personal stories or anecdotes to illustrate your points, and make sure to include current sources and references to back up your claims. 

Finally, review your post and make sure it is clear and well-written before publishing.

The world is facing a number of challenges in the current situation. 

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has caused a global health crisis and impacted the lives of people around the world. 

The pandemic has also led to an economic crisis, with many countries experiencing deep recession and record-high unemployment rates. 

Additionally, the U.S. is facing a political crisis, with the 2020 presidential election and the subsequent transfer of power leading to deep divisions and unrest. 

In addition, climate change continues to be a major concern, with the effects of global warming becoming increasingly apparent. Finally, racial and gender inequality remain persistent problems in many parts of the world.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Pakistan & IMF

 (Jtndikhan Report)

Postponement of  6 billion Dollars Extended Fund Facility (EFF) for Pakistan by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a few months on the grounds that its staff is not satisfied with the implementation of the loan terms, where the country's economy The government and the opposition have been blaming each other there and this has led to further escalation of political tensions. Representatives of Pakistan and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were reviewing the lower-level agreement on the IMF loan for the sixth time, failing to reach a consensus, so further discussions on the issue were adjourned until September.

Top government sources have confirmed that the IMF board was due to approve the sixth review by July this year, but as disagreements did not abate, it was decided to postpone the review until September. When asked in writing about this, the Resident Chief of the IMF in Pakistan said that we have achieved sustainable development and stability through the implementation of policies, structural reforms and increase in social spending under the EFF program. We are ready to continue helping Pakistan to get loans for this purpose.

According to observers, his response indicated that since the sixth review under the EFF could not be completed, the IMF has decided to adopt a "watch and wait" policy to find out. How much the government can 'deliver' on its announced budget for 2021-22. The opposition camp has drawn its conclusions after the meeting of Pakistan and IMF representatives was inconclusive.

Former Finance Minister Muftah Ismail has claimed in a press conference that the IMF has withheld funds from Pakistan and the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank have also stopped lending. He said that the government was trying to persuade the IMF through the United States which would not be good for the nation. He was referring to strategic issues between Pakistan and the United States. He stressed that strategic issues should not be included in economic affairs. Rejecting the former finance minister's statement, the finance ministry spokesman said in a statement that the IMF's program was intact and that its new mission was expected to arrive in Pakistan in August to review its performance throughout the year.

The spokesperson also said that Pakistan has achieved all the targets of the IMF by March which is the best performance. The World Bank has not stopped lending either. It has already approved a large loan. Regardless of the political rhetoric of the government and the opposition, there is no doubt that the government is taking all necessary steps for economic recovery in line with the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

This includes obtaining foreign loans, but it should be noted that friendly countries or international institutions do not provide unconditional loans. They definitely get something in return. The IMF is a powerful institution under the influence of the United States. He is notorious for imposing arbitrary conditions to keep developing countries like Pakistan in his sphere of influence. The government should try not to accept any of its conditions contrary to the national interest and give priority to the national interest while meeting its requirements for economic reforms.