Sunday, April 11, 2021

President Erdogan stood firm like a rock

 Writtenby Abu Jaja Haider

After the Turkish government unilaterally terminated the "Istanbul Agreement" in recent days, when journalists asked the Speaker of the Turkish National Assembly "Mustafa and Top" whether Turkey has signed any other international agreements, including the "Montreux Agreement". Including and because of which Turkey's hands are tied, can be canceled? In response, the Speaker of the Assembly Mustafa Shaun Top said that Turkey can cancel all agreements that are not in Turkey's interest. Following this response, an earthquake shook Turkey, and news of Turkey's early cancellation of the Montreux Treaty began to gain prominence in the media. In addition, a few days ago, a picture of Rear Admiral Mehmet Sari of the Turkish Navy wearing a turban and a robe at a shrine was criticized on social media, and he and Erdogan's government were criticized because no such incident had been seen in the Turkish army before. 

It is worth mentioning here that the Turkish army is a well-organized army and it is strongly committed to secularism. That is why no soldier is allowed to have a beard or a mustache. A statement has been issued against the Erdo Govt: a government with the signatures of 104 retired Admirals of the Turkish Navy long after the two incidents in Turkey. The statement said that in the recent past, the negotiation of the Istanbul Canal and the Montreux Agreement within the scope of the powers to revoke international agreements has in fact been a source of concern for all of us retired Admirals. There are important waterways and it has been implemented in the history of mankind under the influence of multinational treaties.

The last of these treaties, known as the Montreux Treaty, is the best way for Turkish rights. Protects Turkey not only from the agreement governing the passage of ships passing through Turkey but also from Turkey to Turkey, Istanbul, Chanak Fort, Marmara Sea, and the Bosphorus. The agreement is aimed at finalizing Lausanne and giving Turkey a diplomatic victory, as well as an agreement to make the Black Sea a sea of ​​peace. As a result of the Montreux Accords, Turkey remained neutral in World War II and stayed out of the war. Retired Admirals of the Navy also drew the attention of the government to the fact that in recent times, a picture of a Rear Admiral Mehmet Sari wearing a turban and a robe at a shrine in the media has caused great distress to the Army. These retired admirals have warned the government to refrain from any action that violates the constitution and disregards Ataturk's principles.

President Erdogan described the midnight memorandum issued by 104 retired Admirals as similar to the one issued in the past when martial law was imposed in the country and said that the memorandum was based on malice. A country where the civilian government has been overthrown many times. 104 This memorandum of retired Admirals cannot be accepted under any circumstances. Although the memorandum was issued by retired admirals, it is a blot on the Turkish Armed Forces.

Martial law has always been applied in Turkey only after the issuance of a memorandum. "I want to make it clear that Turkey has largely protected its interests as a result of the Montreux Agreement reached in 1936 before World War II," he said. During World War II, although many attempts were made to push Turkey into the war, Turkey remained neutral and stayed away from it. President Erdoانan said that unless we create the conditions for a better agreement, The implementation of the agreement will continue.

He said that we did not see the statements of these Admirals in favor of the government at a time when there were failed attempts to overthrow the civilian government on July 15, 2016. He said that after the issuance of the memorandum at midnight, all Turkish politicians needed to raise their voices against it but unfortunately, some politicians supported the memorandum. He said that Rear Admiral Mehmet Sari had violated the army uniform and the Ministry of Defense would take immediate action against him.

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