Thursday, April 8, 2021

The changing Scenario of South Asia

Writing: Abu Raja Haider

March 2021 has been a turning point in the world, especially in South Asia. In the post-Trump United States, the Biden administration is reviewing its strategy in all areas. Talks have begun between the Chinese and US governments on other disputes, including trade. The sea? On the South China dispute, Biden said he was not anti-China but wanted China to abide by international democratic rules. At a key Quad meeting on March 14, the United States, India, Australia, and Japan considered a joint strategy to stem Chinese expansion, a new kind of Cold War. The nations involved in the Cold War with the Soviet Union faced the iron wall of the Moscow government, this time competing with the Western world against China, which is a pioneer of the open market, capitalism, and economy. China is determined to be the most powerful and richest. US alliances such as NATO and Quad are being reactivated. Unlike the Trump administration, the United States is re-emerging as a leader in world politics.

A new alliance of Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, and China is being formed. China provides ڈالر 400 billion development package to Iran Earlier, China entered into a historic partnership with Pakistan by allocating 62 62 billion for C-Pack and Uber. Pakistan and Turkey have collaborated on a number of cultural, technical, and strategic projects. The strength of this relationship has come to the fore in the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict, and now Turkey is joining the bloc. The launch of the Tehran-Istanbul-Islamabad rail network is a living example of this cooperation. Pakistan is central to this alliance. With the development of these diplomatic relations, China is increasing its influence, which Europe and the United States will not be able to compete with. If Azerbaijan joins the bloc, these countries will have a strong influence in the Central Asian markets. Surprisingly, India and Pakistan in a joint statement in March reaffirmed the implementation of the 2003 ceasefire agreement.

The United Arab Emirates has revealed that a secret peace roadmap has been reached between Pakistan and India. Following the announcement, military operations chiefs agreed to a ceasefire at meetings. After Imran Khan's corona positive, Narendra Modi wrote a letter to inquire about his well-being. Afterward, the parties reaffirmed their commitment to promoting peace and mutual respect. Progress is also being made on the Indus Basin Agreement. It was also hinted that the resumption of trade and diplomatic talks on Kashmir was the next agenda of Islamabad and New Delhi. UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah paid a successful visit to both the countries on which King Sheikh Mohammed congratulated him. The question arises, what is the interest of the UAE in this? The UAE has emerged as a leading country in the Middle East due to Saudi Arabia's strict diplomatic policies. The United States is making every effort to advance the peace agreement between Pakistan and India to bolster anti-war efforts in Afghanistan, another challenge facing Biden.

For many years, Washington has been demanding Dow Moore from Pakistan. The Americans believed that the Pakistani government was helping the Taliban to destabilize the Karzai government because Kabul was forging closer ties with India. Over time, Karzai has proven that the Afghan government has failed to limit the Taliban's influence and that the key to lasting peace lies with Pakistan and the people of the tribal belt. Biden's administration considers diplomacy conditional on peace in Afghanistan. The United Arab Emirates is working on behalf of the United States, which will bring Pakistan and India to the table so that the United States is in a better position in Afghanistan. To be able to It seems that South Asia does not tolerate any conflict at the moment, not even the Taliban.

China needs Pakistan for its expansion in Asia. Tehran is its second ally in the global program of trade, development, and diplomatic relations. On the other hand, the Americans also need Pakistan to protect their interests in Afghanistan and to negotiate. China is far ahead of US and European estimates. According to an independent analysis, the world needs to benefit from China's economic development, trade, and technological expertise today. And to reach economic prosperity through poverty alleviation. China is the world's largest economy, India is the world's largest democracy, and the United States is still the largest military power in human history. All these countries are connected with Pakistan and South Asia to advance their national agenda. This is a historic time, and the events that are unfolding now will continue to have repercussions for decades to come. The power struggle between these powerful countries can determine the fate of billions of people. Overall, the situation in South Asia and the region is like a kaleidoscope, and new angles are emerging with each passing day.

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