Saturday, July 1, 2023

Signs before the appearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s)


  The signs before the appearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s) are mentioned in the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his descendants. These signs are said to be both major and minor, and they are said to occur in a specific order.

  Some of the major signs include: 

• The appearance of the Sufyani and Yamani, two leaders who will rise up in different parts of the world.

 • The loud cry in the sky, which will be heard by everyone. 

 • The murder of Nafs-e-Zakiyyah, a righteous person who will be killed by the Sufyani. 

 • The earth swallowing a group of people in the land of Bayda, which is a desert between Mecca and Medina. 

  Some of the minor signs include: 

• The spread of corruption and injustice in the world. 

 • The decline of knowledge and the rise of ignorance.

 • The increase in wars and bloodshed.

 • The appearance of false prophets and messiahs. 

    It is important to note that these are just some of the signs that are mentioned in the hadiths. There are many other signs that have been mentioned, and it is not possible to say for sure which ones will occur or when they will occur. The appearance of Imam Mahdi is a significant event in Islamic eschatology.

    It is believed that he will bring about a time of peace and justice in the world. However, the exact timing of his appearance is unknown. Some believe that he will appear soon, while others believe that he will not appear until the end of time. Ultimately, only God knows when Imam Mahdi will appear.

   However, the signs that are mentioned in the hadiths can give us an indication of the times that we are living in and the events that may lead to his appearance.

  The signs that were fulfilled before the appearance of Imam Mahdi 

There are many signs that have been mentioned in the hadiths that will occur before the appearance of Imam Mahdi. Some of these signs have already been fulfilled, while others are still to come.

  Fulfilled signs 

 The death of the 11th Imam, Hasan al-Askari. 

 The occultation of the 12th Imam. 

 The emergence of the Sufyani. 

 The emergence of the Yamani. 

 The murder of Nafs-e-Zakiyyah. 

 The earth swallowing a group of people in the land of Bayda. 

  Unfulfilled signs 

The appearance of a great caller who will call people to the truth. The appearance of a cloud that will cast its shadow over the entire earth. 

 The appearance of a comet that will be visible to everyone. 

 The emergence of a great war in which many people will be killed. 

 The arrival of the Mahdi in Mecca. 

     It is important to note that these are just some of the signs that have been mentioned in the hadiths. There may be other signs that have not been mentioned, or that have been fulfilled in a way that we do not yet understand. 

    The appearance of Imam Mahdi is a major event in Islamic eschatology, and it is something that many Muslims look forward to. 

   However, it is important to remember that we do not know when the Mahdi will appear, or what signs will precede his appearance. All we can do is to prepare ourselves for his coming, and to strive to live our lives in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

#Immam Mahdi #Islam #Appearance Signs #World #

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