Monday, July 24, 2023

Why is Genghis Khan a mystery to experts even after 800 years of his death?

JTN Report: 

Genghis Khan combined the Mongols with him to establish the largest empire in the history of the world.

But even after his death in 1227, Genghis Khan has been a mystery to archaeologists for 8 centuries because his tomb has not been discovered till date.

Yes indeed, Genghis Khan's tomb has remained a mystery for almost 800 years, despite countless attempts by adventurers, archaeologists and thieves to find it.

It seems unlikely that this will be achieved in the near future, especially as some circles in Mongolia want.

Most of the efforts took place in an area in northern Mongolia, or Mount Burkhan Khaldun, which is also believed to be the birthplace of Genghis Khan.

It is said that the founder of the Mongol Empire spent his last days at this place, but so far all efforts to locate his burial there have proved unsuccessful.

It is said that at the time of his death, Genghis Khan ordered that the location of the burial be kept a secret and that the soldiers who carried the body there were killed so that no one would know the route.

It is also said that after Genghis Khan was buried, 1,000 horses were run over the grave so that no traces would remain.

Now it has been 800 years and no one has been able to find Genghis Khan's tomb.

The mysterious death of Genghis Khan

Not only the burial location, but also the death of the founder of the Mongol Empire is mysterious.

So far, it has not been determined what was the cause of Genghis Khan's death.

Some research reports have attributed the loss of blood from the body to death, while a 2022 study claimed that the plague caused Genghis Khan's death.

But beyond that, many reasons have been attributed to the people of the era, such as one story claiming that a prince from a Chinese tribe stabbed Genghis Khan with a dagger and the founder of the Mongol Empire bled to death.

According to some, the injuries sustained from a fall from a horse proved fatal for Genghis Khan.

Finding Genghis Khan's Tomb

A 2014 study found that there is no historical or archaeological record that mentions the burial.

These researchers also took the help of satellites to search for it, but they could not get any success.

An ancient Mongolian document, The Secret History of the Mongols (dated 1240), also mentions no burial, only stating that Genghis Khan died in 1227.

However, it mentions a lot about Genghis Khan's devotion to Burkhan Khaldun and that is why many attempts were made there.

Historian Frank McLean claimed in his 2015 book that at the time of his death, Genghis Khan's army was fighting the Tanguts, a tribe in northwestern China.

So after Genghis Khan died there, it was very difficult to take the body back to Mongolia because it was 311 miles away.

The Mongols did not know how to preserve the body at that time and buried Genghis Khan somewhere in the Ordos region of China.

How much truth there is in this, nothing can be clearly said about it yet.

Marco Polo, the famous traveler of the past, lived from 1254 to 1324 and spent 17 years in China.

He said in a book, The Travels of Marco Polo, that 20,000 people who knew the location of Genghis Khan's burial were killed to keep the place a secret.

But while historians doubt most of Marco Polo's claims, his claim about Genghis Khan's tomb is often refuted.

One of the main reasons for the failure to find Genghis Khan's tomb is Mongolia itself, where the people want to keep the site a secret in accordance with the last wishes of the founder of the Mongol Empire.

But at the same time, Mongolia is a very large and poor country in terms of area, where only 2% of the country has roads.

The population is sparse and there are deserts or mountains everywhere and it is easy to hide many secrets in such a land.

Many quarters believe that Genghis Khan's tomb contains treasures collected from around the world and this is the reason for the interest of people from all over the world.

Interestingly, in 2004, a team of experts from Japan and Mongolia discovered Genghis Khan's palace, which contains references in historical documents that indicate that officials used to perform daily rituals from the grounds of the palace to Genghis Khan's tomb, but it could not be discovered until now.

#Genghis Khan #Mongols #Japan and Mongolia #Mongol Empire #Genghis Khan's tomb #mystery of death #China

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